The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

I 1 Cincinnati Enquirer Tuesday, December 1, 1950 High 48, May Rain the prediction by the Weather Bureau for Cincinnati and vicinity. The low will be 32 this morning, the high 48 in the afternoon and the low tonight 32- Generally the fair U. S. weather east of is forecast Northern Appalachians, and scattered of Upper and Central Mississippi Valleys. Snow flurries are expected in higher elevations of the Northern and Central Rockies.

40 Data From U.S. WEATHER BUREAU Dept. of Commerce 30 HIGH LOW 30.41 29.74 COOLER COLD a HIGH 60 30.42 Rain Snow FORECAST For Daytime Tuesday Figures Show High Temperatures Expected -AP Wirephoto Partly cloudy today with al the Plains States except OHIO chance of afternoon showers is some snow flurries in the Ohio: American Stocks NEW YORK (AP)-Following is list maior stock and bond transactions on the American Stock Exchange Monday. A-B Sales Net hds.) High Low Last che. 13 4.7 4.5 4.6 Acme Prec Aero Sup 29 4.3 4.3.

Aerojet Aeronca Mfg .624 39 73 68.4 10.2 63.4 9.1 9.6+ .5 64.2 in Ajax Pet 11-16 Alaska Airl 6.3 Alleg 4.1 3.7 .2 Allied Co Art 22 4.7 4.6 4.6 .2 Alleg wt 173 10.5 10.6 AmLaunM 1.60a 40 40 40 Am MARC 11.1 11.1 Am PetrofA .159 7.5 7.3 Am Seal 16.2 15.7 16 Amur Oil 2.3 2.2 2.3 Anacon Ld 11-16 9-16 AngLau A 7.1 Ark Oil 34. 32.2 33 ArkLaGas 1.20 63.6 62.2 63.4 Armour 21 20.4 20.5 ArmstRub 1.40 35.1 35 35 Arnold Alt Aro Equip 1b Asamera 23 1 15-16 Assd 12.6 12.2 Atlas Min 9.3 9.1 9.1 Atlas Co wt 2.7 2.6 2.6 Atlas Plyw 13.3 13.1 13.1 Bile Sel 33 7.3 7 3-16 7.2 -1-16 Sec 16 3.6 3.4 3.6 Bald Banff Oil 21 11 1 1-16 1 Bearings 20 44.7 44.7 .1 Bell Tel Can Belock Inst 16.7 16.3 16.7 Braz Trac Borne Chem 88 23.4 25.1 25.1 Breeze Cp 33.4 7.6 33.2 7.3 Am Oil 36 33.2- Brit Pet 25g 218 7.4 7 5-16 7.4 Brown Co .300 30 10.4 7.7 10.3 10.4 7.7 Brown Rub 7.5 BSF Co Buckeye Cp Buf Eclipse Bunk Burry Hill Bis Lust C-D 10 21 22.4 22.14 .4 El Pw .80 18.6 18.6 CalEast Av .251 Cal Calv 3.5 Campb Chib 6.3 6.1 Can So Pet 62 3 3 7-16 3 Can Hmstd 11.5 Con Marc 6.3 6.1 6.1 Con Javelin 11.4 Con Petrof of 10.3 Cenco Ins 1 30 35.2 35.5 Catalin Cen Hadley Charter Oil Chesebrou 38 129.7 Chromalloy Clarost Cinerama MI 16.4 15.3 15.3 3.5 Clary Cp 6.7 Cloay 4.5 Coast Oils 1.3 Colonial Sd 825.4 24.6 Con Diesel 20.6 5.7 Con Con Sun Mng Ray 4.2 4.1 4.2 4 .80 20.6 20.6+ Cont Air 110 Cont Av 22:6.3 Cont Mater. Cott Bev 6.5 Crane Carr 2.7 39.1 2.7 Creole Pet 2.60 40.3 Crown CubAm 0i Pet 11-16 9-16 1-16 10.1 10 10 Cub Ven Oil 3-16 3-16-1-16 Daitch CD 10.6 10.1 10.6+ 2 Det Gray 3.7 3.7 Dome Devon Pet Oils 8 10.2 9 15-16 10.2 4 56 15-16 Draper 1xd 16 33.2 32.6 Expl 1.40 25 24 46.2 9.1 8.6 8.6• Duke Pw .3 DuMont Lab 8.1 Duval Sul 1.25 26.5 26.1 26.1- Dynam Am 10.5 10.2 10.2 E-F El 1.20 25.2 24.5 25 Electronics 10 9.4 28.7 28.5 Equity Cp 59 3.7 3.5 3.5 Erie Forge 13 6.1 5.7 Eureka FairchCam Cp 29 285 266.4 268.2 33 7-32 3-16 7-32. Faraday Ur 23 .5 .5 Fargo Oils 74 3.7 3 Felmt Pet .371 5.6 5.4 5.5 Fly Tiger .08 14 13.6 Ford Ltd 14.2 Firth Sterl ANSAR 8.3 Finan Gen .30 11.7 11.4 11.4- G-H Gellman Mf 2 3.4 3.2 3.2 Gen Devel 117 20.5 20 GFirepft 1.20g 8 30.6 30.1 30.4 Gen Plywd 37 14 13.3 13.5 Gen Strs 9 3.1 3 3.1 Gen Transist 69 31.7 30.5 31.5 Giant Yel .40 18 10.3 10.2 10.3 Glen Dis .70 14.5 14.5 Goldfield 17 13-16 13-16-1-16 Gorh Mf 2 33.2 33.2 33.2. Grav Mfg 11.6 11.6 Gt Lak 1.2 1.1 Grid Freeh 2.

1 15-16 Guild Harnischfeq Films 1.60 62 Hazel Bish 6.7 6.2 6.2 Hazeltine 14 29.6 29 29.6 HeclaM .50 8.6 8.6 Heli Coil 1g 39 88.7 83 86.4 2.4 2.7 2.6 2.7+ Hollinger 248 on 28.4 27.7 28 Holly corp 15-16 15-16 15-16 Humble 1.40 59 58.4 59 Hydromet 136 19.7 18.6 19.74 Hygradef Id 32.4 33. I-J-K Imp Chem .08 110 7 15-16 7 13-16 7 13-16 Imp Oil 1.20 21 36.4 36.1 36.4 .3 ImpTbCa 12.4 12.4 12.4 Ins Am 3 2.200 125 121.4 12442.6 Int Brew 13.4 13.4 13.4+ Int Petrol 1.20 19 32.6 31.6 32.4 Int Prod .877 16.5 16.7 16.7 Int Resist .20 39 18.3 17.6 Inves Roy .108 2.3 2.2 Jetronic Ind 22 11.3 11 Jupite Oils 42 15-16 1 13-16 Kaiser Ind 45 14.5 14.3 14.5 Kawecki Ch 21650 41.7 40.4 Kay Jwiry 1.40d 19 19 19 Kingsfd Kingst Pd 2.6 2.4 2.5 Kin Ark Oil 1.6 1.5 1.5 Kirby Pet 2.5 2.4 2.4 Koback .80 14.2 14 14.2 Kropp 2.1 L-M LakeSh 4.2 Lakey Fd 3 Lamb Ind 45 4.4 Left Real 6.2 6.2 Leonard 40 14.5 Am 13.5 Lith 1.5 LaLand 1.408 50.4 49.6 50 Lunch Cp. 751 10.4 10.5 McKee 1.50 28 Mead lohn 1.20 75.2 75.2 4 Mesabi Iron 5f 34.5 34 34 Mich Sugar 2.7 MidwPip 1.50 22 21.2 MinCan 60g 13 Molyb Can 13.16 Molybden 501 49.6 4 3.5 Montrose Ch .60 13.4 1g 16.3 Munt? TV 3.2 Murphy Co 10 MuskPRing 13.54 Muter Co .371 8.3 N-O NatBell .25 5,9 24 Nat Pet Nat Pres Ind .60 Nat Telefilm 3.2 Net Un Elec NEng 1.72 35 35. NewPkMng NY Clock Idria 13-16 NJ Zinc NMex New Pac C80 9-16 9-16 1.05g 37 35.6 35.64 Nickel Rim Nipsing Mn Norf So Ry NoCdn Oils 2 11-16 Noeast Airl 6.2 Northsp Ur 15-16 Nuclear Am Ogden Co P-Q-R Pac Pet Ltd 12.5 121 10.5+ Pancoast Pet 12f Panted Oil Prkbo Aet .621 Patina Can Pepperell 3a 65.6 65.6 Peru Oils 25-16 15-1641-16 5 Drug Firms Off Hook On Salk Prices TRENTON, N. Nov.

30 (UPI) A Federal Judge today dismissed anti trust charges against five major drug firms, ruling that the "most favored customer clause" accounted for Salk anti-polio vaccine uniformity rather than a price con-! spiracy. Federal Judge Phillip Forman said in his written opinion that the clause, in effect, put a floor under the prices the firms charged government agencies for the vaccine. Firms named in the indiotment were Eli Lilly of Indianapo is, the PitmanMoore Division of Allied Laboratories, of Kansas City, Parke Davis Detroit; Merck Da of Rahway, N. (and American Home Products. of New York.

NEW TAX RATE To Be Set For Hamilton County Municipal Governments The new tax rate for ton County cities, townships and school districts is to be fixed at 11 a. m. tomorrow when the Hamilton County Budget Commission meets in the office of Fred J. Morr. county auditor.

Meeting with Mr. Morr and the Commission will be C. Watson Hover. Prosecuting Attorney, and Paul A. O'Brien.

County Treasurer. The real estate tax for Cincinnati for the past year was $31.76 per $1000 property evaluation. New bond issues, millages, and cancellation of matured issues will have to be taken into consideration in figuring the new rate, it was explained. NBC Names VP To Police Net NEW YORK, Nov. 30 (UPI)Robert E.

Kintner, president of the National Broadcasting announced today the appointment of James A. Stabile as vice president in charge of standards and practices for the network. Kintner announced formation of the unit November 5. At that time, he said the unit would survey all quiz, contest and programs and review other program practices. Stabile joined NBC in Febru-1 ary, 1957, as manager of negotiations after resigning as vice president and general counsel of the American Broadcasting Co.

BIRTHS HIRONS Frederick and Mariana, 5824 Mohican girl. November 6. -William and Hazel, 480 Clermont Batavia, girl, November 8. JOHNSON-William and Margret, 520 Elliott girl, November KRIER Martin and Alvina. 1940 Waverlv girl, November 3.

LINDER- -Fred and Betty. 5370 Eastwood boy, November 5. LOOMIS -Leonel and Mary. 3332 Cardiff girl, November 15. McCALL-James and Agnes, 619 Mulberry girl, November 2.

MONJAR-Harley and Georgia, R. R. 1. 1500 Binning Milford, boy. November 13.

MULLINS- Eugene and Emily 125 Sterret Covington, girl, November 920 18. MYERS and Frances. Burton bov, October 7. OSBORNE-Frank and Betty, 5143 Belantree bov, November 12. PARTIN Ancil and Alice, 535 E.

13th boy. November 2. PETRI George and Beatrice, 4 Petri Amelia, boy. November 8. PRIEMER August, and Helen, 6200 Hawk Ridge boy.

November 12. ROY -Dallas and Nancy, 16 W. 66th girl. November RAY Johnnie and Barbara. 2847 Mav girl, November 18.

RIMDLE Robert and Helen. 5046 Kinasley November 11. SCHOENTING John and Janet, 14. 3627 White girl, November SHENKEL Robert and 18. Loraine, 785 Wilbur Dr.

girl. November SHILLING John November and Alice. 2607 Jefferson Ave. girl. 6.

SMITHSON -Edward and Barbara, 500 Beech St. Milford, bov. November 4. -Ronald and Mary. 22 Glencoe girl, November 18.

STALLO Frank and Rose, 515 Grand bov, November 10. -Robert and Viola. 638 Crown St. bov. November 3.

-William and Esther, 1526 Republic SULKEN girl, James and Mary. 3631 Wabash November 11. boy. November 12. SUMMER--Homer and Phyllis, 2922 Vaughn bov.

November 5. SWALLEN Donald and Mary, 1454 Verdale boy November 14 THOMPSON- William and Svvil. 311 Tuscutum bov. November 2. THOMAS Richard and Blvthe.

3806 Mantell bov. November 1. UNDERCOFFER John and Kathryn, R. R. Box 490.

Loveland, November 13. ULRICH-Tohn and Catherine 1146 Altodena Ave. bov, November 3. VOGT- and Helen. R.

2. Miamiville WATTERS Paul and Audrev. 1439 Walnut Loveland. bov. November St.

girl, November 12. WERDEN George and May. 10055 Ronnie fames and Rose. 739 E. bov.

November 16. lan, girt. October 15. WHITE Marvin and Roselyn, 572 Marklev girl. November 12.

WELLS James and Nancy. 1764 Powers bov. November 6. and Margaret. 4088 Belfast Ave November 9.

YOUNG- Earl and Betty. 735 Sedam bov. November 12. Marriage Licenses Michael Jackson 21 Lawrencebura, student and Rose G. Hicks 20 4112.

Kirhv power machine onerato: Charles Jacobs 42 2048 Florence truck driver and Golda G. Ball. 37 3420 Kenneth Creek E. Rd. Brown forelady.

22. 223 Riverside Dr. Covington. heating mechanic. and Juanita Hibbard 17 610 Neave St.

Richard Mck. Gurnee 5. Bryant Crescent White Plains, N. market analyst. and F.

Hamilton. 2636 Fenton secretary penter. Lou and Schneider. Mary E. Boller.

1714 1323 Race Clay 80 teacher. James McCoon. 19. 2473 Eastern Ave. truck driver, and Mary Roberson 17 Woodburn Ave.

Kenneth F. Merton 34 8021 Beechmont engineer and Nancy L. Carr Cambridas medical secretary Paul Terry. 20. 1317 Alabama Ave.

tool and die maker. and Janet Lav 19 823 Bank St. waitress. Owens. 23, Atha 3020.

Smith, Hackberry. 19, 3602 St. Stacey Ave. elevator operator. Wilbur R.

Korengel Jr. 22. 3914 Eileen student. and Lois J. Greenert.

21 4224 Marburg Ave. clerical. Aaron Bland 35. 1108 Shephard student, and Bettie J. Porter, 21.

7529 Gilpin Ave. Ralph O. Richards. 21, R. R.

3. Batavia. Ohio, U. Marines, and Norma Ramlin. 18 2799 River baby sitter.

David Wheeler 19 1731 Carli St. tile worker and Patricia O'Neill 19 2231 Westwood Northern Blvd. Earl Segar, 25 309. Erkenbrecher Ave. and Earline M.

Dixon. 21. 228 Excelsior E. St. Rov.

20, 314 W. Seymour slide conveyor loader. and Rose M. Botts, 20. 607 N.

Cooper Ave. Lockland, stenoorapher. William R. Bertline. 28.

109 Jackson Hooven. Ohio. maintenance man. and. ma J.

Simonson. 17 9 E. State Cleves Ohio, waitress. tanitor. Edward and G.

Potter Shirlev Jr. 26 Evans 137 Taft 420 Uimer, 22. 2909 Westwood Matthews student and Dagmar Schroeter 24. 613 b. Mitchell kev punch operator, Robert Harlow 24 1332 Clav CONstruction worker and Catherine A.

35 1710 Vine St. Walter Gumpert 38 Argus Rd. miller and Gabriele Rieger 5896 Arous Rd. Ramond E. Hargett 28 101.

Peete shear operator and Minerva Testerman. 33 215 Seltz St. machine folder. Billy D. Foster 24 625 Crown grinder.

and Alma J. Peterson. 23. 2712. Soring Grove machine operator.

TURNPIKE In Pennsylvania Has Big Traffic Jam Lasting About 14 Hours SOMERSET, Nov. 30 (P) -One of the worst traffic jams in the history of the Pennsylvania Turnpike was broken early today, permitting holiday travelers a speedier journey home. lat For about 14 hours- starting 1 p. m. yesterday--vehicles crept along the toll road bumper to bumper.

Westbound traffic at one time was backed up 20 miles at Allegheny Tunnel, 12 miles east of Somerset. Eastbound vemoved freely, Traffic was stalled as much as seven miles the Western entrance of Laurel Tunnel, 10 miles west of Somerset. "This is the worst I have ever seen it," said a state trooper. At the tunnels, he added. traffic moved at about one mile an hour.

Many vehicles tractor-trailers and buses--ran out of gasoline while others pulled off the road with mechanical troubles. There were no major accidents, just "a few bent state police said. State police blamed the pileup mainly on the two lanes passing through both tunnelsthe Laurel and the 1.4 Allegheny. A fourmile lane highway leads in and out of the tunnels. Holiday 650 Lives Lost, Thanksgiving By Associated Press The Thanksgiving weekend holiday this year cost 650 lives in accidents.

Traffic accidents killed 445, fires 70, and other types of accidents 135 during the 102-hour, four-day, period from 6 p. Wednesday to midnight Sunday. The holiday traffic toll ran only slightly higher than that for a countenavering a non-holiday period of equal length two weeks earlier -433 fatalities. The test period also brought 49 fire deaths and 100 in miscellaneous accidents. The National Safety Council said that a non-holiday weekend of 102 hours from Wednesday evening through Sunday night would be expected to see 470 traffic deaths.

Sheppard Case Papers Filed COLUMBUS, Nov. 30 (P) The Ohio Supreme Court today received two sealed packets of depositions in the Sam Shepherd wife-murder case. They were filed on the eve of the deadline set by the Ito receive more information claims that evidence was suppressed in the trial of the Cleveland osteopath. Sheppard is serving life for the second-degree murder of his wife, Marilyn, in their Bay Village home west of Cleveland July 4, 1954. The court last October 14 directed that any depositions would be confined to defense claims that blood found on Marilyn's wrist watch was of a type different from hers and Sheppard's and thus came from a third person--the slayer.

The defense is seeking to clear the way for an appeal to Federal courts in a habeascorpus proceeding. City Bond Debt Is On Decline Bonded indebtedness of the city totaled $164,685,428.69 at the end of yesterday's business, compared $166,596,621.21 as of October George Orleman, Secretary' of the City Sinking Fund Board, reported. said the net amount of nonself supporting bonds was $68,563,855.70, as against $68,593.606.28 a month ago. Trial Date Set For Tax Evasion John C. Chellew, 58, 1665 Rose pleaded innocent yesterday in Judge John H.

Druffel's U. S. District Court when arraigned on a charge of four counts of income tax evasion. Trial date was set for December 14 and bond was fixed at $5000. Chellew was indicted by the Federal grand jury on a charge of evading $20,881 in income taxes for the years 1953, 1955, 1956 and 1957.


Psalm 16:11. (Lopyi 1959 john Howard Harris) BANGE -Catherine Mary, beloved sister of Joseph Bernard and Lawrence W. Bange, dauohter of the late Bernard and Elizabeth Remke Bange, Monday, November 30, 1959; residence, 1020 Parkson Pl. Relatives and friends please call at the B. J.

Meyer Colonial Funeral Home, 3726 Warsaw on Wednesday from 3 till 9 P. M. Funeral Thursdav. Requiem High Mass Holy Family Church at 9 A. M.

Ladies Society of Holy Family Church please meet Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Member of Daughters of Isabelle. Holy Family Auxiliary No. 193.

K. of St. J. please meet Wednesday at 7:45 P. M.

BECKER -Emma A. (nee Tueting), beloved wife of Edward P. Becker, dear mother of Mrs. Mildred Ruther. dear arandmother of Donald M.

Ruther. Monday. November 30. 19591 at dence, 4234 Century Lane (formerly of 1827 Elmore St.1. Friends may call at the Chas.

A. Miller Sons Funeral Home. Hamilton Ave, Knowlton ANNOUNCEMENTS Their Final Tribute -Victor DELPH-Richard S. -Florence Radel's every service is appreciation that it is sacred The JOHN J. HENRY J.

14122 Glenway, WA 1.4512 1005 State WA 1-0365 Schaefer Busby Formerly With WILTSEE. Inc. (24 W. 9th St. CH 1-0932 CREMATION HILLSIDE CHAPEL NICHES URNS 525 Dixmyth Ave.


FUNERAL DIRECIORS CHerry VORHIS Funeral Homes OCKLAND OHIO NORWOOD MIC VA 1-4063 ME 4884 JOURNEY'S END (DEATHS) BOWDLE-Esby E. (Bob), beloved husband of Edith C. Morrell Bowdie, broiner of Erma Bonner, stepfather of Mrs. Edith Marthaler, Mrs. Ann Colmar, Carl, William, and Ronald Steizer; November 30, 1959; residence, 4200 Plainville Rd.

Friends may call at the Thomas Funeral Home, 4418 Whetsel Madisonville, Wednesday after P. M. Services Thursday, 2:30 P. M. Madisonville Lodge F.

A. services Wednesday evening, 7:30 P. Trinity Commandery k. services 8 P. M.

CARR -Herman L. beloved husband of Bessie Montgomery Carr; dear father of Mrs. Zella Hetisimer, Mrs. Della Smith, Robert, Daniel, Joseph and Herman Carr brother 01 Everett, William, Harvey and Roscoe Carr, Mrs. Alice Creekmore, Mrs.

Edna Creekmore, Mrs. Arnoid, Mrs. Neilie Niehort, Mrs. Elizabetn Webster and Mrs. Daisy Garrad: also survived by seven grandonildren; Sunday.

November 29. 1959: residence, Box 202 Wesselman age 52 years. Friends may call at the Neidnard Funeral Home, 7043 Harrison Pike, Taylor Creek, Ohio, Tuesday after 4 P.M. Funeral services Wednesday December 2.0 at 2:30 P. M.

CLARK-Amy the (nee Mosteller), beloved wife of late Rhodophus Clark, mother of the late Carl Clark, beloved aunt of Leland Steinkoenig, Clarence and Clifford Mosteller; suddenly, Saturday, November 28, 1959; residence, 1899 Reading Road, Reading. Friendsi may call at the Hodapp Funeral Home, 7401 Vine Street, Carthage, Tuesday, December 1, after 4 P. M. Funeral services Wednesday at 11 A. M.

COLLINS Leander 93 years; widower of Florence Anderson Collins, fatner of Mrs. Ethel Rvan, Mrs. Bray, and Mrs. Sara Riley, eight grandchudren and 11 dren; formerly of Feidman Norwood Ohio, passed away at the resi dence of his daughter, Mrs. Ether Ryan, Chestnut Drive, Loveland Park.

Monday. November 30, 1959. Visitation Tufts Funeral Home, Loveland, Ohio, Wednesday evening 6 until M. Services Thursday. December 3.

af 10 A. M. Burial Aurora, Indiana. DENIS-Ainette Marie, dear sister of Mav D. McKean and the late Julien C.

Denis, Sunday. November 29, 1959, residence, 1425 Regent Bond Hill. Friends may call at Jaco*cks-Elden A. Good Funeral Home, 2600 Gilbert Ave, at Taft Rd. Thursday at 1 P.

M. until service time at 2 P. M. DEUTSCH Sidney of 766 Greenwood beloved husband of Saran Schultz Deutsch, devoted father of Mrs. Saul Malman, Frank, Howard and Walter Deutsch.

Services Weil Funeral Home, 3901 Reading Tuesday. December at 11 A. M. Miami Lodge F. A.

M. will hold services at 10:45 A. M. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday from to 9 P. M.

Memorial week will be observed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Malman, 3955 Beechwood Ave. DRESSMAN-Joseph beloved husband of the late Henrietta Lawn Dressman; residence, R. R.

1, Box 80, Sanfordtown, Monday, November 30, 1959; age 98 years. Prayers Thursday, December 3, at the Linnemann Funeral Home, 25-27 E. 11th Covington, at 8:15 A. M. Solemn Requiem High Mass at St.

Pius the Tenth Church at 9 A. M. Interment St. John Cemetery Friends may call from 2 to 9 P. M.

Wednesday. FEILER-Edward, beloved husband of Cecelia. Hoffrogge brother of William and Charles Feiler, November 28, 1959; residence, 7774 Sagamore Drive, Amberley Village. Friends may call at the Thomas Memorial, 7500 Montgomery Road, Kenwood, Tuesday after 4 P. M.

Requiem High Mass, St. Saviour Church, Wednesday, 9 A. M. HARRIS James beloved husband of the late Mrs. Pearl Minnie Miles Harris and father of James M.

Harris; at her residence, 1433 Banklick Covington, Sunday, November 1959. age 73 years. Services at Allison Rose Funeral Home, Robbins St. and Madison Covington, Wednesday, December 2, 1959, 2 P. M.

Interment Forest Lawn tery. Friends may call from 3 until 9 P. M. Tuesday. HARTMAN -Frieda (nee Jonitz), beloved wife of the late Edward Hartman, devoted mother of Carl 1., Wilbur A.

and the late Herbert L. Hartman, grandmother of Wayne Allan and Herbert T. Hartman, Saturday, November 28, 1959, residence, 3213 Jefferson Avenue, formerly of 3139 Eden Avenue. Friends, may call at the Wrassmann Funeral Home, 2625 Gilbert Avenue, north of Taft Road, Tuesday 4 'till 9 P. M.

Services Wednesday. December, 2. 55. 10:30 A. M.

Council "No. D. of A. services, Tuesday, 7:30 P. M.

-Elizabeth (nee Muber), beloved wife of Louis J. Heim and beloved mother of Mariorie M. Donovan and beloved sister of Anna Heim, Sunday, November 29, 1959; residence, 1805 Sherman Norwood. Ohio. Friends may call at the Busse Borgmann Co.

Parkway Funeral Home Central Pky. and Clifton Hills Tuesday after 4 P. M. Blessing Wednesday. December 2, at 10:30 A.

M. Take Ohio Buslines direc to funeral home. transfers accepted. Elizabeth Lawrence (nee Nichols), and LAWRENCE beloved husband off dear father of James and Edward Lawrence, Monday. November 30.

1959: residence, 619 E. Fourth Newport, Ky. Funeral from Muehlenkamp Funeral Home. 835 York Thursdav at 8:30 A. M.

Requiem High Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 A. M. Visitation Wednesday 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 P. M. -Alfred beloved husband Eleanor Edstene LeRoy, dear father of James A.

LeRoy, Detroit. Michigan, Mrs. Janet Richey and Mrs. Mary Marcum; also survived by 10 grandchildren, Saturday, November 28. 1959, in his 68th year; residence, 23 Parkway Avenue, Hartwell.

Friends may call at the Hodapp Funeral Home, 7401 Vine Street, Carthage, Tuesday, December after P. M. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 lolanthe Lodge, No. 385 K. of P.

will hold services Tuesday at 8:30 P. M. of the late Josephine Steer LochLOCHBRUNNER -Jacob, beloved husband brunner, dear father of Mrs. Marie Newman and the late Frank and Bernard Lochbrunner, Sunday, ber 29. 1959.

in his 80th veer, at the residence, 10132 Grandview Ave. Woodlawn. Friends may call at the Hodapp Funeral Home, 7401 Vine Carthage, Wednesday, December 2, after M. Funeral services Thursday, at 2:30 P. M.

wife MEINERS-ROBERS-Anna of the (nee beloved late Joseph ers, dear mother Robers, Joseph and Marie Meiners, Mrs. Berna dina Nichoff and Mrs. Catherine Schmidt. grandmother of Clarence, Ruth. Alice.

Joseph. Robert and Donald Meiners, and Francis and Paul Schmidt: sister of George Borchers and Mrs. Katherine Knueven, Saturdev. November 1959: in her 89th year: af the residence. 1612 Crest Hill Roselawn.

Friends may call Hodapo Funeral Home, 7401. Vine Cart rage, Tuesday December after 4 P. M. Requiem High Mass at Charles Borromeo Church. Wednesdev 9 A.

St. Ann Ladies' Society will hold' services Tuesday at P. M. ANNOUNCEMENTS Yesterday's Highs And Lows: High. Low Atlanta 47 21 Boston 37 Chicago 36 Cincinnati 37 Cleveland 34 Denver Des Moines Kansas City Los Angeles Miami Minneapolis-St.

Paul 38 New Orleans 57 New York 37 25 Oklahoma City 59 28 Philadelphia Pittsburgh St Louis Salt Lake City San Francisco Seattle Spokane Tampa Washington, D. C. Cincinnati Weather Bureau record for November 30, 1959. Temp. Prec.

7:00 a. m. 24 7:00 p. m. 35 1959 '58 '57 Highest 37 21 33 47 Lowest Temp.

23 22 32 Precipitation 0 0 .03 .13 River at 7:00 p. m. 25.6 feet rising. Today- Sunrise 7:37 4. Sunset 5:16 VALLEY FORECAST Partly cloudy, little Showers, 43-46 likely degrees.

TuesKentucky: Partly cloudy, Chance of few High 47-54. Indiana: Cloudy, warmer. light showers likely. N. Y.

Bonds warmer. day night. showers. Scattered NEW YORK (AP)-Following list major bond transactions on the New York Stock Exchange Monday. NEW YORK CITY Sales Net (in $1,000 High Low LastChg.

35 21 85.4 86.2 85.2 .2 CORPORATION BONDS Ala Pow 3.4572 86.4 86.4 86.4 Alleg Cp 5562 100 99.4 99.4 99.4 Alleg Lud cv 4581 9 108 108 108 Allied Ch 3.4578 89.4 89.4 89.4 Alcoa 3.1364 5 97 96.4 97 AmFP 4.80587 61 59.6 59 59.2 4 Am Mch cv5s77 15 258 258 253 Am 5583 55 102.4 101.6 101.6 Am 4.3 $85 27 94.2 93.6 93.6- AmTT cv4.2 s73 132 188 187.1 188 Am tob 44 96 95.6 95.6. Armour 5384f 46 81.6 81.1 81.6 Atchison 4595 32 91.2 90.4 90.4 Atl Cst 4.4 s64 97 96 96 All Ref cv 4.4 s87 40 105 104 105 Avco Mf 85 137.4 136.2 137.4 BaltGE 4.2 s74 111 111 111 cv 4.452010 12 69.3 68.4 68.4- cv4.4 s2010 12 69.3 68.4 BethStl cv 3.2 580 33 169.6 169 169.2+1 Boeing cv 4.4 $80 80 95.2 94.4 4560 62.4 62.4 Burroughs 4.4 s81 83 109 108 08 Can Pac 4sperp 22 86.4 86 86 Cap Airl CV 4.2 s76 27 69.4 69 69.4 Case cv 5.4 s83 26 109 108.4 108.6 .1 CenRRNJ 3.2 s87 9 41 40.4 40.4 Cer de Pas 5.4 s79 76 105 103 103 Ch El inc cv5s97f 5 76 76 76 1CMSPP 18 62 61.6 62 ChiNW cv4.4 s99f 65 59.4 58.4 58.4+ CCCSL 4.4 s77 6 71.6 71.6 71.6 Colo cv 4.7 s77 183 101.4 115.4 101 114.4 101.4 115.4 CombEn 3.3 s81 46 Con Edis cv 4573 159 104.2 03.2 103.2- Electrody 27 114.4 112 112 Cons Pw cv 4.5 s72 1 119.2 119.2 119.2 Det Edss cv 3.6 s71 1 135.4 36.4 136.4- Doug Aric 4577 24 82.2 81,4 82 Dow Ch 3582 49 211.4 210 2.4 Erie cv 4.4 s2015 32 50.4 49.6 50.4 5s74f 93.7 93.2 93.7 FoodFair cv4s79 79 97 95.2 97 Garrett 4.7 s78. 64 113 112 113 Am Oil 4.6 84 19 96 94.2 96 AmTran 4581 12 156 155.6 156 Gen Cigar 5.4 s87 5 98.4 98.4 98.4 Gen Elec 3.4 s76 27 90.4 90.3 90.3 Mot Ace 561. 168 27 97.6 90.5 90 97.3 90.4 97.3- MotAcc 3.7 Gen cv4.4 s77 16 165.4 163.4 165.4 Tel cV 4571 23 158.2 156.4 158. Grace cv 3.4575 18 97 96.2 97 Int cv4.7 $83 10 211 211 211 LTE Ckt cv4.2 s82 24 113 111.6 113 Lockheed 3.6 $80 202 137.4 135 37.4 MerrChap 4.4$75 82 79.4 78.1 79.4 .6 Tin 5.4 $2033f 170 24 23.2 23.6 .5 Mo Pac 29 57.7 57.4 57.4.

MoPac 4.2 $90 12 68.6 68.2 68.2. Mo Pac 4.2 s2005 18 67.7 67.1 67.1• Cyl 5.1 s77 34 101.7 101.4 101.4 NatTea cv3.4 $80 25 105 104.4 105 NYCen 68.6 68 68.4 NYCen 4.4 s2013 66 61.7 61 NYNH 38.2 37.4 38.2 NYNH NYCen 4.4 4598 s2022f 56 17.4 55.2 17.1 56 17.4+ but NiaMPw 4.5 s72 21 101.6 111 111 Olin cv5.4 s82 106 120 118.6 .2 Pen RR 4.4 $65 25 92.4 92.2 92.2 Philco cv4.2 $84 73 106 104.4 106 PhillipsP 4.2 s87 183 107 109.2 104.6 107 109.2 .4 PotEP cv3.6 s73 25 109.2 RCA CV 3.4 s80 610 143.2 139 143.2 Richfield 4.3 s83 8 117 115.4 117 41.6 SAL SF 55 2006f 4 68.3 68.2 68.2+ .2 ScottPap cv3s71 116 103.6 103 103 Sears Roe 4.6583 15 1 99.4 99.4 Sham0G cv5.2 $82 78 113.6 112.6 113 Sinclair cv4.3 $86 227 100 99 100 SmithCor 5.2 s79 25 98 98 98 So Pac 4.4 $69 16 93 92.5 92.6+. StdOlnd 4.4 s83 35 97.7 96.6 96.6 Std 0 Ind 3.1 $82 20 101.4 101.4 101.4+ Std 0 NJ 2.3 s71 18 80.1 80 80 Corp 3565 16 92.4 91.5 91.6 Thomp Pd 4.7 s82 110 110 110 Us Steel 45 83 23 92.5 92.2 92.4 WheelS cv3.6 $75 32 102 101.4 101.6 FOREIGN BONDS Austral 5s 78 5 96.3 96.2 96.2 .6 Chile 11 44.2 44.1 44.24 Greek 65681 32 32 32. Germany 5:80 1 19.4 109.4 109.4- KLM cv4.6 s79 39 103.1 102.7 103.1+ .3 Norway 5.2s 73 2 99.7 10.5 99.7 100.5 99.7 EL 6563st 100.5 Urug al 4.1579 3 85.6 85.6 85.64 .4 bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Act or securities assumed by such companies. xi-ex-interest st -Stamped negotiability -Dealt in flat.

-Matured maturity. bonds, impaired by COTTON NEW YORK, Nov. 30 (AP1-Futures closed 30 cents a bale lower to 65 cents higher than the previous close. Open High Low Close July 32.80 32.80 May 33.29 33.29 89688: 33.27 December. 32 70 32.71 32.66 March 33.15 33.14 33.10@33.11 October 30.88 30.94 December 30.90 March May 31.30 31.30 31.30 Middling, spot 32.85 nominal: spot Un- BUTTER CHICAGO.

Nov. 30 (AP)-(USDA)-Butter: Wholesale selling prices unchanged to higher: 93 score AA, unquoted: 92 65c: 90 Cincinnati Stocks The table shows the sales, range of prices, tion Exchange for regular lots and dividend rates, in on Monday, November 30, 1959. Bid Ask STOCKS 9.4 10.4 Aeronca Allegheny Co Alum Ltd. Am Airlines (1.00) Am Cyanamid (1.60) 39.4 40.4 Am Laundry (1.60d) Amer. Motors (2.40) Amer.

Tel Tel. (3.30) Am Tobacco (4.00d) Anaconda Copper (2.00) Avco Mfg. Beth Steel (2.40) Brun Balke (1.50) new 43.2 44.2 Champion Paper (1.20) 32.0 33.0 Cin (1.50) 90.2 91.0 Cin. Telephone (4.50) Colgate Columbia Gas (1.00) Curtis Wright (2.50) Dow Chemical (1.20) du Pont (6.00) 52 2 53.2 Eagle-Picher (2.20) East Kodak Ford (1.60) General Dynamics (2.00) General Motors (2.00) 30.4 31.4 Kroger (.90) Martin Co. (1.60) Nat'l Cash (1.20) National Lead (2.25a) No Am Av (1.60) Phillips Pet (1.70) 90.0 90.4 Procter Gamble (2.20) Radio Corp.

(1.00d) 39.4 40.4 Rapid American Republic St1, (3.00) Ind. (1.00c) Sinclair Oil (3.00) Sperry Rand (.80) Stand Brands (2.60) Std. Oil (Ind.) (1.40) Std. Oil (NJ) (1.65a). Stude-Packard Stude-Packard new 31.4 32.4 U.

S. Plaving Cd. (3.00a) Shoe (1.20d) U. Steel 3.001 Westg El (2.00) Net High Low Last Chg. 16.1 15.5 15.7- 11.5 11.4 11.4- 5.7 5.5 5 18.4 18.4 18.4 .1 27.1 27.1 27.1 40.4 39.4 40.4 11.3 10.2 11.141.4 4.6 4.4 4.6+ .1 12.2 12.2 12.2 6.6 6.4 6.6 2.2 2.2 2.2 4 4 17.3 17,3 17.3.

6.3 6 6.1-1-16 3.2 3.1 3.2. 4.2 4.2 4.24.2 18.6 18.5 18.5 .1 11-16 .5 -1-16 6.3 6.2 6.2 7.7 7.5 7.7. 24.2 22.4 23 11.2 10.7 11.2 8.1 8.1 8.1- 29.3 29 29.3+ 220 218 220 5-16 5-16 27.3 26.6 27.3+ 8.2 7.5 8.2+ 1.7 1.7 7.2 7 3-16 7.24 .1 112 107 107 49.7 48.6 48.6- .6 6 5.6 6 15.5 15.2 15.2 31.2 31.1 31.24 .1 72.5 72.2 72.2 12.4 11.7 12 .3 14.5 14.2 14.2. 9.1 9 9.14 62 61.4 61.4- 13.3 13.3 13.3. 3 2.7 2.7.

20.6 20.6 20.6 3.1 3.1+ 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 13 12.7 13 2.6 2.6.. 5.7 5.4 5.7+ 17.1 17.1 17.1 51 50 12.6 12.5 12.6+ 4.4 4.2 4.2 2 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.6 1 13-16 19.2 18.5 19.2 2.4 2.3 2.44 25.3 21.1 25 21.121.1 25 3 .2 3-16 3-16. 26.1 25.2 26.14 .5 21.7 21.3 21.34 6.4 6.3 6.3- 4.7 4.5 4.7+ 1-16 4.2 4.1 4.2. 42 41 42 19.6 19.1 19.1- 18.1 17.4 7.4 7.3 7.3- 9.7 9.7 9.7 7.4 7.4 5 4.7 4.74 4.2 3.6 5.2 5.3 2.7 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6.. 11.1 11 48 46 1.3 1.2 21 21 21 5.7 on 7.6 130 128 130 86.4 86.4 86.4 119.4 116 117 Sales (hds.) Phoenix Sti 40 Pit Rwys Prest 11 Progress Mf Pug Sd Rapid Am Reeves Sdn 658 Reinsur Inv Rem Arms .60 Repub Ind .359 Rico Arg Rio Gr .16 Roxbury Cot 18 Royal Oil Russell S-T StLawrCo 1 6 Sapph Pet 146 Scurry Rain 35 Air Servo Cp Servomech ShatDenn Shaw Wat .80 SherwWm 5a Siboney Carib 12 Signal Oil A .806 118 Silex Co 22 Silv Crk Prec 115 Simca 60 Sinc Ven Oil 2 z170 Singer Mf 2.20 30 Slick Air Sonotone 28 32 SoPenn0il 2 South Roy 3b Sperry wt 158 Std Dred Std Finan 44 15 Std Oil Ky 3.25g Std Prod Starrett Cp 18 Sterl Al Pd 1a Sterl Prec Stinnes Stonnes Stroock Sym Way wt 10 U.V Talon A Tampa El 1.20 Teleprom 10 Telev Ind 9 Texam Oil 20 Texstar 28 Thew Shov Thomp Star 27 Tilo Rf 1.40a Todo Shp 1.19g TransCub Oil A Tri Cont wt Unexcell Ch 23 UnAire Pd .258 Unit Asb 30 Un Can 53 1 USAirCond Univ Mar 1.20 xd 15 Univ Cont .30 0 108 USFoil .40 79 Utahld .40 Valspar .751 Van Norm wt Vinco Cp Valr W.X-Y-Z Waltham Prec Weston Oil White Int WichitROil Wms McW Woodley Pet Wright 25 Zale Jwly 1 Zapata Pet 15 Zap Off-Sh 8 BONDS Alsco 5.4 :74 11 AppalEIP 3.2 s70 5 NatResearch 25 FUTURES MARKETS SUGAR: Futures No.

6 closed 3 to 5 higher. Sales 81 contracts. March, 5.63 bid; May. 5.68 asked: July. 5.78 bid: September, 5.81 bid.

World sugar futures No. 4 closed 1 to 2 higher. Sales 73 contracts. March. 3.08: May, 3.10: July, 3.13 bid; September, 3.16 bid: October, 3.17; October.

3.17; March, 3.27 bid. Raw sugar spot 6.38. COFFEE: Spot Santos No. ex-dock closed at 36.50 asked. Cost and feight offerings include Santos Bourbons 3s at 36.50 nominal and 5s 35.50 nominal.

futures closed 23 to 40 higher. Sales 42 contracts. December 35.59 nominal; March. 35.29: May, 34.76 nominal: July, 34.21 nominal: September 35.71 nominal. futures closed 30 to 45 higher.

Sales 66 contracts. December. 44.74; March, 43.75 nominal; May, 42.95 nominal; Julv. 42.35 nominal; September 42.05. COCOA: Futures closed 13.

lower to, 25 higher. Sales 224 contracts. December, 31.25@35: March, 30.38@40; Mav. 30.33 30.09 nominal: December, 29.65 nominal nominal: July 30.14 nominal: September Spot Accra nominal. LARD CHICAGO.

Nov. 30 API lard was 7.75 cents pound today; loose 7.12½. Choice white grease was 534 cents a pound todav: A white cents and prime beef tallow cents. Closing net changes. closing bid and asked quotaparentheses, of stocks on the Cincinnati Stock Sales Price Range Net Shares Open High Low Close Ch'ge 10.1 10.1 1.0 14.2 14.2 1.1 31.6 31.6 0.2 150 24.3 25.0 24.3 25.0 1.2 60.0 60.0 0.2 39.6 39.6 0.4 90.5 91.2 90.5 91 2 1.4 77.4 77.4 77.2 77.2 0.4 104.6 104.6 63.2 63.4 62.4 63 0 1.0 121 15.4 15.7 15.4 15.6 0.1 10 53.4 53.4 0.5 40 44.2 44.2 43.6 43.6 43.4 43.4 43.3 43.3 0.5 262 32.2 32.6 32.2 32.5 0.4 129 91.2 91.4 90.0 90.0 1.2 40.4 40.4 0.2 200 19.6 20.0 19.6 19.7 37.4 37.5 37.3 37.4 1.1 93.6 93.6 4.1 255.6 256.2 255.6 256.2 3.0 18 53.4 53.4 0.2 107.2 107 2 0.6 20 82.0 82.0 0.6 150 49.2 49.2 49.0 49.0 0.4 51.6 51.6 51.2 51.2 0.3 31.1 31.1 30.7 30.7 0.5 49.6 50.0 49,6 50.0 64.1 64 107.6 107.6 5.5 36.1 36.1 1.1 44.2 44.6 44.1 44.1 0.4 90.5 91.0 89.6 90.4 0.4 70.6 70.6 2.1 39.6 39.6 0.5 72.3 72.3 1.1 36.1 36.1 0.2 50.2 50.2 0.6 65 25.0 25.3 25.0 25.3 0.7 80 35.2 35.2 0.1 40.7 41.5 40.7 415 1.6 47.1 48.1 47.1 48.1 1.3 23.4 23.4 17.4 17.4 0.5 33.0 33.0 0.1 42.3 42.3 1.7 97.3 97.3 97.1 97.1 0.6 50 102.0 102.0 2.6 Closing Quotations Quotations Bid Ask Dixie Cream 10.3 Diamond National 33.6 39.6 Early Daniel (8.006).

100.0 Gibson Art (2.00c). 65.0 67.0 Hobart 1.95a) 51.0 55.0| Kahn com (1.00) 18.2 Little Mi Gtd (4.30) 72.0 77.0 do Sol (2.00). 31.4 Lunkenheimer 11.40d 20.2 30.0 of (8.00) 190.0 BONDS Champion Paper 3s. 97.0 99.0 Cincinnati Gas 76.0 79.0 Cin'ti Union Ter 78.0 82.0 Cin Transit Bonds 60.0 Cin'ti Tel Deb 91.0 94.0 Deb 90.4 93.0 none, Prices on trades less than 100 1958. (c) Plus stock dividend.

(d) Plus extra. New, York Stock or American Exchange. STRICTLY BUSINESS PERSONNEL I DEPT. DAM don't mind starting at the bottom -I started at the bottom in my last 16 Mutual Funds Dealers would trace with the general public at the time the quotations were gathered. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1959 INVESTING Found 10.60 11.60 COMPANIES Grwth 11.43 12.50 NEW YORK (AP) Income 6.65 7.28 National Associa- Insuran 12.16 13.31 tion Securities Deal- Int Resour 4.87 5.32 ers, Inc.

Inv CoAm 10.32 11.28 Bid Ask Inves Bos 11.58 12.66 Aberdeen 2.21 2.43 Inv Resch 11.89 12.92 Affil Fd 7.32 7.92 istel Fd 35.62 36.33 Am Bus 4.38 4.68 Johnston 24.64 24.64 Am Inv 15.31 15.31 KEYSTONE: Am Mut 8.96 9.79 Cus B1 23.31 24.33 AmRes 35.00 37.75 Cus B2 21.64 23.61 Asso Fd 1.60 Cus B3 15.80 17.24 Atom Dv 5.29 Cus B4 9.53 10.41 AxeH A 5.60 6.09 Cus KI 9.14 9.98 Axe HB 8.42 9.15 Cus K2 Unavailab AxeH Stk 4.25 4.64 SI 19.25 21.00 Axe Scien 12.33 13.40 Cus 12.76 Axe Temp 7.62 8.33 Cus $3 14.15 15.44 Blue Rid 12.51 13.60 Cus 13.26 Boston Fd 17.39 18.80 Keys Can 13.28 14.37 Broad St 13.11 14.17 6.46 7.09 Bullock 13.17 14.44 Knick Gth 6.26 6.86 Calif Fd Unavailab Lazard 16.375 17.25 Can Gen 13.98 15.11 Lexingt 11.29 12.34 Cdn Fd 17.19 18.60 Lex Vent 13.93 15.23 Cdn 1Gth 9.61 10.51 Inv 18.16 19.85 Cent Shr 9.25 10.00 Life Stk 6.50 7.09 Chase 13.63 14.90 LoomSCa 25.34 Chem Fd 11.48 12.42 Loom Say 43.89 43.89 Col Ener 12.61 13.78 MANAG FUND: Colon Fd 10.43 11.32 Elect 3.05 Cwth Inc 8.99 9.77 Gen Ind 3.89 Com Inv 9.88 10.74 Metal 2.56 Com Stk 15.43 16.77 Paper 3.92 Comp Bd 18.41 20.01 Petrol 2.18 Comp Fd 16.26 17.67 Spect 4.19 Concord 14.75 15.95 Trans 2.62 Cons Inv 18.50 20.00 Mass Tr 13.74 14.85 CorpLead 23.06 25.07 Mass Gth 14.01 15.15 Crown 7.64 8.36 Mass Life 21.59 23.34 eta Fd 11.91 13.09| Minn-Fd 8.37 9.15 ela Inc 9.88 10.86 MissileJet 12.69 13.87 deVegh In 18.09 18.27| M.I.F. 15.75 17.03 de Vegh 75.00 80.75 Mut Inves 9.71 10.65 Iver Gr 9.82 :0.76| Mut Shrs 14.19 14.19 Diver Inv 8.89 9.74 Mut Trust Div Tr 21.37 24.15 Nat WSec 19.62 21.23 Divid Shr 3.00 3.29 Nat Inves 13.45 14.54 reyfus 14.73 16.01 NAT SEC SER: Eaton Bal 23.21 24.82 Balan 10.86 11.87 Eaton Stk 24.56 26.26 Bond 5.65 6.17 Elec Inv 7.78 8.50 Divid 4.19 4.58 Energy 21.08 21.29 Pf Stk 7.98 8.72 Eurofd 16.00 17.25 Income 6.28 6.86 Equity 8.32 8.62 Stock Fid Cap 12.53 13.62 Grwth 8.91 9.74 Fidelity 16.53 17.87 New Eng 10.60 11.46 Fid Mut 5 17.74 19.18 NY Capit F.I.F. Unavailab, NCE Sh 13.57 14.83 Fla Gth 5.44 5.94 Oppen Fd 10.86 11.13 Fla Mut 2.53 2.77 OneWmSt 13.67 FoundMut 10.30 11.74 Penn Sa 14.65 14.65 Fnk Frank Com Pf 11.50 12.64 Peoples 16.82 18.43 5.75 6.35 Phila Fd 11.51 Fund Inv 9.75 10.70| Pine St 11.69 Gen Cap 17.34 18.75 Pioneer 8.64 9.39 Gen Inves 7.22 7.85 Price 13.23 13.35 GROUP SEC: Puritan 8.03 8.68 Auto 10.13 11.10 Putnam 13.95 15.16 AvA El 9.32 10.21 Put Grth 18.06 19.63 Bldg 6.64 7.28 Quar Dist 7.11 7.73 Cap Gr 7.04 7.72 Scud Can 12.58 13.60 Chem 13.63 14.92 Scud SC 18.87 18.87 Com St 12.91 13.70 Scud Stk 9.41 9.41 Food 6.39 7.01 Selec Am 10.13 10.96 Ful Ad 9.19 10.07| Sharehld 11.58 12.56 Gen Bd 6.81 7.47 Smith Ed 16.17 17.72 Ind Mch 7.34 8.05 Sw Inves 13.34 14.42 Inst Bd 7.63 7.95 Sover Inv 14.85 16.26 Merch 13.36 14.63 State St 37 58 39.58 Mining 6.41 7.03 Stein RF 37.7 37.70 Petrol 9.77 10.70 STRFStk 28.01 29.20 RR Rd 2.12 2.34 Sterl Inv 12.57 PO Ea 5.96 6.43 Telev EI 02 17.35 RR St 9.32 10.21 Texas Fd 9 51 Steel 10.31 11.81 Townsend 6.61 7.24 Tobac 7 01 8.70 Twent0Gth 6 23 6.91 Utilit 10.45 11.45 UNITED FUNDS: Grth Ind Unavailah Accum 13 07 Guardian 18.91 19.52 Cont 7.66 8.37 Ham hr 5.15 5.63 Income 11.24 12.22 Ham hda 5.08 UnFCan 16.18 (Havdork 26.00 26. Val Linc 5.54 6.05 Inc Found 2.56 2.80 Val LSal 3.97 4.34 Inc Post 8.13 Wall Stin 03 8.78 Incoro Inc 9.29 10.15 Well Fa 12.53 11.62 Incarn Inv 9.75 10.54 Well Fd 14.49 INSTIT SHRS: Whitehall 19 01 Bank 12.92 14.14 Wisconsin 6.23 6.73 BANK AND TRUST STOCKS Bid Ask Bid Ask AmTrstSF 61.0 65.0 368.0 384.0 BkAmNTS 47.6 50.4 FstNafCity 84.6 87.7 BkofNY 279.0 291.0' FrankNLI 43.7 35.0 BankersTr 95.1 98.4| HanovrBk 56.0 58.7 ChasManh 63.2 66.1 IrvingTr 40.0 42.3 ChmBkNY 64.0 66.7 King(tyT 101.0 107 0 Con 122.6 127.6 0 ManufT 60.1 63.0 EmpirTr 252.0 265.0 Morgan 107.4 110 4 FstNa1Bos 93.2 97.2 USTrust 90.6 94.4 These bid and ask quotations represent prices at which one or more dealer memibers of the National Association of Security Midwest Stocks CHICAGO, selected list Stock Exchange Stocke Div. Rate AlliedPap Aminv1 BaldLima.60 BastianBl BeidenM2.408 BorgWarn2 Pacific 1.50 CentiBrew.

10g ClevClifir1.40a FWDCorp ContCan1.80 DodgeMfg1.50 ControlsAm.80 GenBox.088 Gossard1.408 GranCSt1 GreifBroA. 808 HeilemanBr1 HibbSBart3a Howardind 10g LincolnPrint MedusaPCem1 Modine. 75g MuskMotA2 NorlilGas1 NwstBanc1.10 OakMfg1 OhioEdis PubSvind RichmanBr2 RiverRPap.60g SheafPen B.60 ThorPTool1.60 Webcor.60 WiseBkshr1.40 WorldPub. 40b Stock sales Nov, 30 (AP)-Following of stocks on the Midwest today: Sales High Low Last Net. (Actual) Chg.

100 13.7 13.5 13.7 100 17.5 17.5 17.5 100 16.1 16.1 16.1 50 81.4 81.4 81.4 150 40.4 40.0 40.4 200 44.6 44.6 44.6 200 10 150.0 25.1 150.0 25.0 150.0 25.1 500 5.7 5.7 19.6 5.7 200 19.6 19.4 200 13.2 13.1 13.2 900 43.1 42.6 43.1 100 46.2 46.2 46.2 100 40.6 40.6 40.6 200 29.1 29.0 29.0 400 9.1 9.0 9.1 800 3.2 3.1 3.1 600 23.2 23.0 23.0 50 75.4 75.4 75.4 100 56.0 56.0 56.0 100 13.4 13.4 13.4 15 116.0 116.0 116.0. 800 4.3 4.3 4.3 300 17.0 17.0 17.0 300 27.3 27.3 27.3 150 19.4 19.4 19.4 97 24.0 23.4 23.4 100 9.0 9.0 9.0 100 30.6 30.6 30.6 4400 32.4 32.4 32.4 500 17.4 17.1 17.4 122 58.4 58.4 58.4 50 17.4 17.4 17.4 60 42.4 42.4 42.4 300 29.4 29.2 29.2 700 21.0 20.4 20.7 100 9.2 9.2 9.2 400 30.0 29.4 29.4 1900 8.5 8.3 8.4 1800 13.0 12.2 12.7 100 33.2 33.2 33.2 400 16.2 15.7 15.7 131.000 shares. Dividends REGULAR Stock and Rate Record Pavable Anken Chem 5c Jan. Jan. Arvin Indust 25c Dec.

Dec. Decca Records 25c Dec. 15 Dec. Mvers E. 60c Dec.

14 Jan. Ohio Brass 50c Dec. 8 Dec. Parmelee Trans Dec. 10 Dec.

St. Lawrence Cp 25c a Dec. 22 Jan. St. Stf.

Cast 11c Dec. 16 Westmoreland Inc. 30c Dec. 15 Jan. INCREASED Harsco Corp.

55c Dec. 18 Jan. IRREGULAR Lakey Fdv 15c Dec. 10 Dec. Welbilt Co.

18 Dec. EXTRA Parmelee Trans $1.50 10 Dec. RESUMED Patino. Can 15 Dec. STOCK Artloom Ind 5 pc.

31 Jan. 31 TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON. Nov. 30 (AP)--The cash position of the Treasury November 24, 1959. compared with corresponding date a year ago: deposits fiscal year July 1, $30.887 Balance, $5.177.521.802 $6,785,924,049: 3 $38.235.831.589 557 005.428: withdrawals $283.559.804,808 total fiscal vear.

debt, gold assets, 581,461 317 $20,608.450,377. $412,723,653.84 deb not subject to statutory limit. A Radel Service HOWARD -Nellie SANDERS- H. WILKENS -Joseph J. conducted with the full tribute to someone's memory RADEL CO.

RADEL, Pres. Madison. Covington, HE 1.4185 822 York, Newport, CO 1-8560 Vi FUNERAL CHEVIOT FAIRMOUNT DELHI HILLS 3425 1824 4519 Harrison Westwood Delhi Pike MO 1-0833 WA 1 1500 WA 1-0110 Tredway Funeral Home Established 1892 Norwood. Ohio 2131 Cameron Ave ME 1-0311 J. J.

SULLIVAN CO. Bradford Sullivan Director 1336 E. McMillan at Bell PI. W0 1-0130 RIEDLINGER-LEMEN FUNERAL HOMES 19 Green St. 1309 California Ave.

JOHN C. GUMP FUNERAL HOME 3440 Glenmore at Herbert--Cheviot MO 1-0690 ERSCHELL FT. THOMAS NEWPORT HI 1-1982 CO 1-8033 A. C. DOBBLING SON THOMAS BELLEVUE Hi 1-1730 CO 1-8041 Bamber Funeral Home John Bamber Bamber 3011 Woodburn Ave.

W0 1-1449 Robert, Bolton Funeral Home 3042 Harrison Ave. Westwood Wain A. Bolton 1-4059 ANDERSON SCHRAFFENBERGER 3117 VINE SI. AV 1-0421 REBOLD FUNERAL HOME QUEEN LILY AVE. 3700 GLENMORE AVE 1-6200 JOURNEY'S END (DEATHS) NOIMAN -Jacob of 715 Sour Crescent beloved husband of the late Libby Noiman, devoted father of Harry and Charles Noiman, brother of Mrs.

Mary Goodman. Services Weil Funeral Home, 3901 Reading Tuesday, December 1, 1959, at P.M. Please omit flowers. Memorial week will be observed at the home of Harry Noiman, 7307 Reading Rd. RUDESILL-William beloved husband of the late Margaret Carpenter Rude sill and father of Earl and Carl J.

Rudesill and grandfather of Bruce Rudesill; brother of Caroline Rudesill; Monday, November 30, 1959, residence. 4711 Peabody Madisonville Friends may call at the W. Mack Johnson-Dunn Lashbrook Funeral Home, 6111 Madison Tuesday, to 9 P. M. Services Wednesday, December 2, at 1 P.

M. Madisonville Lodge F. A. services Tuesday, 8:30 P. M.

SCHANZ B. Fowler, beloved wife of the late George M. Schanz; beloved mother of Mrs. Ruth Lacey, Mrs. Lois Herting, George Robert and Kenneth Schanz; dear grandmother of Ned.

Lacey, Barbara Herting, and Cathy Schanz, and dear sister of Bessie Spires, Henrietta Mays, and George Fowler: Sunday. November 29, 1959; residence. 2896 Markbreit Ave. Services at the Witt, Good Kelsch Funeral Home, 3026. Madison Hyde Park, at Oakley Square.

Wednesdav. December 2, 2 P. M. Friends may call Tuesday, 4 to 9 P. M.

SCHILLE -Edna C. (nee Reifenberger), beloved wife of Fred L. Schille, sister of Mrs. Marie Derrick; residence, 504 Overhill Thursday. November 26.

1959. Friends may call at the W. Mack Johnson Funeral Home; 1309 E. McMillan Walnut Hills. Monday, to 9 P.

M. Service Tuesday. December 1, at 10:30 A. M. SCHULER-Mary E.

(nee Mack), beloved wife of the late John J. (Adolph) Schuler, and devoted mother of rick J. Schuler, Mrs. Margaret Thomas. Oxford.

Ohio: Mrs. Mary Weber, Mrs. Pauline Maness, Mrs. Elizabeth Sigmund. San Gabriel, California: Mrs.

Irene Kappes, Miami, Mrs. Dorothy Murphy. Lake Worth, and dear sister of Mrs. Margaret Birmingham, Theodore. John and Irvin Mack, of Topeka.

Kansas. and 26 grandchildren; Sunday, November 29, 1959. Formerly of Oakland Price Hill, Friends may call at the Grueter Son Funeral Home. Hiff and Glenway Tuesday from till 10 P. M.

Funeral Wednesday. December 2. Requiem High Mass St. Lawrence Church, 9:30 A. M.

SEIBERT -Frank husband of Mar. garet Seibert (nee Schorr), father of Mrs. Esther Meadows, Mrs. Florence Pauline, Mrs. Gertrude Ramp and Paul E.

Seibert, brother, of Charles, Lawrence and Clarence Seibert, suddenly Sunday, November 29; residence, Williams Corner. Milford. Ohio: in his 70th year. Requiem High Philomena Church, Stone Lick, Wednesday. December at 9:30 A.

M. Friends may call at the Craver For neral Home, Milford. Tuesday to 9 M. SICKENGER beloved husband of Katherine Balzhiser-Sickenger, devoted father of Mrs. Ruth Bush, grandfather of Donald.

James and Juanita Bush, brother of Mrs. Emma Vogt and John Sickenger, Saturday. November 28, 1959: residence, Bethel, Ohio. Friends may call at the Thomas Funeral Home, 4418 Whetsel Madisonville, Tuesday, after P. M.

Services Wednesday, 1 P. M. Madisonville Lodge 419 F. A. M.

services Tuesday evening 8 P. M. SIEVE -Catherine (nee Howard), beloved wife of the late Alvin L. Sieve Jr. devoted mother of Susan Jane and Jerry Sieve, dear sister of Mrs.

Edna Hegman. Mrs. Olive Dubell of Cali. fornia, and Mrs. Margie Walters; Sunday, November 29, 1959, at Lauderdale, formerly of 5537 Sidney Relatives and friends may call Wednesday, December 2, from till 9 P.

M. at the Harry Meyer 6 Sons Funeral Home, 4989 Glenway opposite the Covedale Theater (off-street parking. Funeral services Thursday, December 3, at 10 A. M. SMITH -Simon, of 5922 Rhode Is and beloved husband of Lillian Smith, devoted father of Stanley and Judy Smith, brother of Mrs.

Gertrude Trager Mrs. Joseph Rothman and Isadore Smith. Services Weil Funeral Home 3901 Reading Tuesday, December 1, at 2:30 P. M. -John beloved father of John Stahl, devoted brother of Mrs.

Louise Kennedy, Mrs. Edna Crutcher, Mrs. Edith Robertson, Mrs. Elsie Apwisch, Mrs. Myrtle Jones Raymond, Arthur and William Stahl, Sunday, November 29.

at his residence, 617 Berry Bellevue. Ky. Services dav. December 2, 1959. at the Dobbling Funeral Home.

241 Fairfield Bellevue, at 10 A. M. Friends may call Tuesdav. from 4 until 9 P. M.

H. (Whitey), beloved husband of Kathryn Brown Thole and the late Anne Marie Thole and devoted father of Leo Jos. Robert and William H. Thole and beloved brother of Mrs. Marie Klick.

Mrs. Eleanor Roat, Albert, Leo and Elizabeth Thale, also survived by nine grandchildren: Sunday, November 29, 1959, at his residence, 2526 Hackberry Ave. Funeral services at the Gilligan Funeral Home, Woodburn and Lincoln, Wednesday, December Requiem High Mass St. Frances' de Sales Church at M. Friends may call Tuesday after 3 P.

M. THOMAS-Elizabeth Ann Jones, beloved wife of the late John Thomas, mother of Margaret H. Thomas, and sister of Margaret E. Jones, Sunday, November 29, 1957; residence, 2015 Maple Avenue, Norwood. Friends may call at the Jaco*cks-Elden A.

Good Funeral Home, 2600 Gilbert Avenue at Taft Road, Tuesday, 10 9 P. M. Services Wednesday, December 2, at 2 P. M. Interment' Thursday, Horeb Cematery, Van Wert County, Ohio.

TRAUTMAN Margaret. beloved, sister of Neat Trautman of New Albany, and the late Bess Feicke; Sunday, November 29, 1959: residence, 6531 Hillisde Ave. Friends may call at the Seifert Funeral Home, Monitor and Parkland Sayier Park, Tuesday after 4 P. M. Services day, December 2, at 10:30 A.

M. WEBER Jacob, beloved husband of Mattie Weber, dear father of Gladys Beucler, dear grandfather of William Beucter, dear brother of Mrs. Edward Kreyling, Mrs. Ernst Sohmer and Oscar Weber: Thursday. November 26, 1959, at St.

Petersburg, residence Grahamsville, N. Friends may call at the Chas. A. Miller Sons Funeral Home, Hamilton Ave. Knowlton Northside.

Wednesday from 9 M. till 1 P. M. Funeral services Wednesday, 1 P. M.

WISE -Jesse beloved husband of Lucille Heil Wise. father of Mrs. Charles (Betty Ann Elman Saturday, November 28. 1959: residence. 2836 Harrison Avenue.

No visitation. Serve ices at the convenience of the family. Baiter Sahnd Funeral Home In charge. War 1 Veteran LARD Bid Ask Balerank 16.0 18.0 Baldwin Co (1.00) 35.0 36.4 Beau Brummell (.40) 9.0 10.0 Carev Burger (1.60) Brewing 18.1 43.0 20.0 44.0 0.0 Chamberlin com 6.3 7.1 do of 25.0 Champ Paper of (4.50). 87.0 90.01 Cin Gas of (4.00) 80.1 81.4 do of 95.0 97.0 Cin Milling (1.60) 36.0 37.01 CNO TP com 143.4 do of (8.00b) 95.6 100.0 Cin'fl.

Trans Co 6.4 7.0 Cin Un Stk Yd 13.5 20.0 Coca-Cola (2.50). 60.0 Cohen (Den) 10.6 Crystal Tissue 9.3 13.0 Total sales were 3858 shares. Total bonds, shares are based on regular lot trades on Ca) Paid or declared in 1959. (b) Paid in.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.