Would Margaery Tyrell Have Been A Good Queen? (2024)

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  • Would Margaery Have Been A Good Queen Of Westeros In Game Of Thrones?

  • Margaery Is Motivated By Ambition

  • Margaery Is Popular With The People

  • Margaery Can Keep Up With The Power Plays

Of the many people fighting for the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones, one of the more-liked characters is Margaery Tyrell. Although Margaery isn’t fighting her way through battles such as Renly Baratheon (her late husband), Stannis Baratheon, Robb Stark, or even the Lannisters, this doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what she’s doing. In fact, many would argue her tactic to gaining access to the Iron Throne is more strategic than war.

Instead of calling to the Tyrell’s bannermen and joining a messy war, Margaery is taking a more peaceful route to becoming queen. Margaery is marrying into all the right families. At first Margaery married Renly Baratheon as he seemed like he had a good chance of winning the Iron Throne. But when he was ultimately murdered by his own brother, Stannis, through the use of blood magic, Margaery had to quickly make a move, which in her case meant marrying the current King of the Iron Throne, Joffrey Baratheon.


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Game of Thrones is known for killing off characters in brutal fashion, but a few key deaths happened when the audience wasn't looking.

After the Purple Wedding in Game of Thrones, which ended in Joffrey’s death, Margaery quickly secured her place in marrying Tommen Baratheon, the new king. However, just because Margaery was able to secure suitable marriages for herself to become queen consort, this doesn’t necessarily speak on what kind of queen she would have been.

Would Margaery Have Been A Good Queen Of Westeros In Game Of Thrones?

Would Margaery Tyrell Have Been A Good Queen? (2)

Not long after Margaery enters into Game of Thrones, she instantly becomes a fan favorite. And it’s no surprise why. Margaery is a kind and loveable character, but also willing to do what it takes to become queen of Westeros, even if that means marrying Joffrey, one of the most-hated characters in the series.

Women in our position must make the best of our circ*mstances.

Margaery makes all the right marriage arrangements, can play Cersei at her own game, and is able to control Joffrey to some extent. Although Margaery wasn’t queen for long, all of this suggests had she been able to remain queen, she would have done an excellent job. Not only that, but Margaery was driven by ambition, something that was sure to make her a successful queen.

Margaery Is Motivated By Ambition

Would Margaery Tyrell Have Been A Good Queen? (3)

As mentioned, Margaery is highly motivated by ambition. She wants nothing more than to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, which she does achieve, if only for a little while.

I want to be The Queen.

Although ambitious, Margaery uses her ambition to empower those that she influences. By doing so, she is able to gain power for herself through the gratitude and love that others have for her. This is an extremely smart political tactic, because she isn’t becoming powerful by denying power to others, like so many monarchs of Westeros have done in the past. Instead she is offering something to those who look up to her, making her a loved, not a feared, queen.

Margaery Is Popular With The People

Would Margaery Tyrell Have Been A Good Queen? (4)

Not only does Margaery have the ambition needed to be a good queen, but she also knows how to acquire the devotion of her citizens. This is extremely important for any monarch, because without the support of the people, things can easily and quickly get messy.

Margaery is popular with both the common people and nobility. She’s able to achieve this through her social skills. Her demeanor and disposition each help her in being extremely approachable, both in court and outside of it. Aside from Cersei, she’s able to win the hearts of many nobility and common folk alike, especially when she shows a public interest in the kingdom through things such as charity services.

Margaery Can Keep Up With The Power Plays

Would Margaery Tyrell Have Been A Good Queen? (5)

Lastly, when someone chooses to play a game of thrones in Westeros, it’s important that they have the political know-how in order to keep up with all of the others fighting for the Iron Throne. And Margaery knew exactly what she was doing.

In Westeros, women weren’t typically seen as being politically savvy, even though in Game of Thrones there are plenty of extremely politically smart women who are fighting their way through the series. Women like Catelyn Stark, Sansa Stark, and Brienne of Tarth all know what they are doing and are arguably smarter than many of their male counterparts. But although Margaery isn’t dealing with the war, she has a strong political acumen that has landed her as queen consort.

Not only is she able to understand politics, but she can easily keep up with the power plays, especially when it comes to Cersei Lannister. If there’s one thing about Cersei, it’s that she likes being queen. Even after Tommen marries Margaery, thus making Margaery Queen of Westeros, Cersei continues to do everything she can to remain powerful. But Margaery is able to keep up with all of her power plays, asserting herself as queen and making sure Cersei knows it.

Oh, forgive me, I haven't been at Court for long, I get so confused. What's the proper way to address you now? Queen Mother or Dowager Queen?

Would Margaery Tyrell Have Been A Good Queen? (6)
Game Of Thrones
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Would Margaery Tyrell Have Been A Good Queen? (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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