MOpNING HERALD, 'HAGERSTOWN, MD II, 1H. Poets Prwrtout ACROSS iXominpoet iOtfen i man nkkniow flJtio) HAUUact btlDEl of Rout 19 Author, ol Indebted II Sole 38 MeUI 20 Female ihMp Above (ronlr.) 22 Town at mouth of Tiber Smnlisllc 28ArU JO Hindu divine being 31 SwUi raeuure J2100 (quire meters i S6 Harangue 140 Auditory organ 41 i a eoilcbwa ttttr.l Tibetan gudle 47AHIO ilik 48 Cut of mutton WPiradUemr author Bibllul cUy UPrlcUy bui City fog Ireland DOWN. lEgrpllin judge oftSe deid JFMnj 10 Wlfll 4 InitrumtnUil duet 5 Mariner 1 direction Black (comb. form) 7 Dalian title ot addreti SSaluter precipitation 11 Mother of mankind 12 Interdict lea 14 Stringed Instrument mpkUr'ibonve 23 Indolently 25CwUn mountain 26 Clpbert 27 Avouch 29 Affirm SINoble'i JurWIctlon SSOneotCvcltdti Worry KVollyot 37 Sharper Hindu port 39 Ardor. 42 Short potllcil foot 1051 (Roman) RED TOP SKATING RINK Fourth Sts.
Frederick, Maryland OPENING FR1, DEC. 11 Monday Through Friday P.M. to P.M. ind Sundiyi 2 P.M. to 11 P.M.
Saturday Sunday MATINEES ONLY HMOT Saturday Shows At: 11 A.M. 2:20 4:05 Sunday Shows At: 1:15 2:50 4:25 NOWFOR THE VERY FIRST TIME! GRIMM'S FAIRYTALES COME TO LIFE! HE SWORD TRANSFORMED INTO A SNAKE! S1THE EVIL PRINCE TURNED INTO A RAVEN! OTTO" THE TALKING OWL! MAGIC FOUNTAIN! THE FIRST CHRISTMAS UVMM1 HACK K'NQ UIDWIS'S FUUIMIS CM1UI By Ralph Lane i mo II Dov did not know a decree had from Wtwr Au- gujtti rfiof the be taxed. In fact, he didn't kixnr whot taxw vil IWM lo to kWiMwl skill fctnt to MM Dwrf Hrriw IM cati out ojoltut of fwrlwr raxing ptepU pttd- i r. i I WMltw ptrmlltlng tl 7 pjn. Anyont uvint (nvKilng to xll, will tx lo II Iw All mtfOwYiist It Kcepttd Ircm Men.
thru Thuri. P.m. to 7:39 Kid Ki i jy r. Wl toll good like KK! T.V.'». We alu buy 1 KI Drhalcfr.
All rrxr- cJundlst wM-oo 20 ptrccnl commls- COM have. lo jell. Sale SatuMay F.E. MONNIN6EH, AUCTi John E. Grove Cooking Is Fun By Cecily INNER FOR FOUR An interesting, attractive way ireat veal cutlet.
Red and While Veal Cutlet Biillereil Noodles Spinach Fresh Pears Cookies Red and Whirl Veil Cutltt A pounds (about) veal cutlet, about 34-inch thick tablespoons flour mixed with teaspoon salt egg bealen wiUi 1 tablespoon milk or buttermilk i cups a fine dry bread crumbs tablespoons oil can (8 ounces) tomalo sauce hecso Sauce tablespoons graled Parmesan checsu Have cutlet In one piece; wipe ifh damp cloth, Dip cutlet in easoned flour, then in egg mix- ue and last in bread crumbs, teat oil in a skillet and fry cut- it unjil golden brown on both des. Pour tomato sauce into a aking dish about 10 by 6 Hi inches; place cutlet in auce. Pour Cheese Sauce over enter of cutlet; sprinkle Par- icsan cheese over cheese sauce. 3ake in a moderate (350 degree ven until top is brown and meat tender about 45 minutes. Makes 4 Chwse In 'a small auce pan over low heat melt tablespoons butter; stir in tablespoons flour and tea- poon sail; add cup milk; ook and slir constantly until nckened; remove from heal nd slir in cup grated ched- ar cheese until melted.
ADIES LUNCH A delightful way to serve whether you are hav- ng a few guesls or a large group. Shrimp Curry Steamed Rice Condiment Tray of Mango Chutney, Crisp Onion Rings and Fresh Tomalo Relish Sesame Crackers Green Salad Grapefruit on the Half Shell Cnpefrull en Hilf Grapefruit Clover Honey Silvered toasted blanched almonds Use a half grapefruit for each serving. With a small sharp knife cut away sections from dividing membranes. If grapefruit la seedless, use a kitchen scissors to snip out center membrane; if grapefruit has seeds, use a small sharp knife to cut oul center in plug shape.Spoon honey into center; chill. Just before serving, sprinkle almonds over center.
THE BRIDE COOKS BREAKFAST Orange Juice Wheat Germ Pancakes with Butter and Maple Syrup Crisp Bacon Beverage Wheat Pmcakei cut flour V4 teaspoon baking powder 'A teaspoon salt 'A cup wheat germ 1 egg cup milk tablespoon salad (not olive) oil In a mixing together the flour, baking powder and salt; stir in the wheat germ; add the egg, -milk and oil. With a rotary beater, hand or elec trie, beat just until blended; batter will be thin. Bake on a hot (380 degrees) greased griddle until lop surface is almost dry; lurn and bake other side. Makes 2 large servings. FRIDAY FARE Carrots benefit from a sauce with iott ol flavor.
Fish Fillets Potatoes Saucy Carrots Green Salad Gingerbread Beverage Saucy Cirrotl 14 cup ripe olives Frosted Cake Beverage Miry Rwit Chichw VA pound mdy-to-cook fryer- roaster teaspoon seasoned salt Now Showing At Doth Theatres tablespoon butter or mar- VT and chi earine not dr chicken should be moist. Mix together the season SnflnVlo tncirla inrl AH! garine tablespoon finely-chopped onion tablespoon, flour cup water vegetable bouillon cube teaspoon minced parsley Vi teaspoon each dry crushed basil and thyme servings hot cooked carrots Dice olives. In a saucepan melt the butter and gently cook onion until soft. Stir in flour, water, bouillon cube and herbs. Cook and stir constantly until bouillon cuhe dissolves and mixture thickens.
Add olives. Makes cup. Serve over carrots. SATURDAY TEA We' ve made a slight change in a basic recipe to improve It. Deviled Ham and Egg Sandwiches Cream Cheese Cookies Tea ChMtt Cookiii cup flour teaspoon sail cup butter or margarine ounces cream cheese grated orange teaspoons rind cup sugar 1 egg yolk 1 package (6 minces) semisweet chocolate pieces i coarsely chopped walnuls Slir together the flour salt.
Best the butter; cream cheese, orange rind and sugar; beat thoroughly unlil fluf. fy the texture of mayonnaise Beat in egg yolk. Stir flour mixture all at once until blended then chocolale and walnuts. Drop by level tablespoonfuls, inch 1 SPRUCE ST. AUCTION Will tt held this Frl.
S. Sit. nlghll I weather Mrmllllng p-m. Anyone having anything ft icll, we will be glad lo sell II tor you. All rwctiendiM Is -'adly from lion, thru Thuri.
to pjn. and all day Frl. We have lolj ol good merchandise like ilovM, washers and T.V.'i. We also buy icll privately. All mer- jdd on 20 percent commit- Jlon.
Come early, we have lols to sell. Friday's pawr for Sale lime on Sat. WONNINGER, Prop. AUCT: John E. Orove teaspoon celery salt teaspoon garlic powder Wash and drain chicken; do sprinkle inside and outside rjf chicken with mixture place breast down in a greased smal" Swedish Spy Case STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP; A Stockholm businessman has been arrested as a spy EUS peel, police announced Thursday.
The man, a was not given, was arrested anc jailed by security -police Nov. 30, on suspicion that he had delivered vital information to an unidentified East-Woe nation the announcement said. No details were given, but a police spokesman said the affair appeared to be a' minor one. Political Force' MEXICO CITY Madazo, ex-governor of Tabas co State, has become president of Mexico's dominant politica: force, the Institutional lievolu tionary party. He; replaces Al fonso Corona del Rosal, minister of national patrimony under and Mexico's new President Gusta add vo Diaz Ordaz.
Public Sale SHERIFF'S SALE 10:00 A.M. 1533 Phont RE howi 1 A 3 7 9 P. M. Pint Show At Duik SAT. SUN, SHOWS AT HENRY'S 1 P.
M. TO 11 P. M. sheets; flatten slightly with small spatula. Bake in a moder- TM, ate (350 degrees) oven about 15 50 11 minutes or until cookie arc brown; tops will be cream" colored.
Makes 44 cookies. SUNDAY DINNER Special seasonings distinguish this roast chicken. Mary Greene's Roast Chicken Oven Potatoes Green Peas I have seized' and taken Ion one IMS Bulck Woor fair into No SECOND BIG FEATURE I HE FOUGHT THE DEADLIEST DUEL I IK FRONTIER HISTORY! FREE IN-CAR HEATERS AT HIWAY STATE LINE DRIVE-IN No. 7, nd TnJS vs. vrda L.
Knight, I and taken execution on Ramber, wnile, twtdoor, in ei cellenl condition in Ex fs hereby given rftal I will bove au'omoblles al 10:00 A.M. Saturday, December Mm al the wnninfllon County jail, can be Inspect at ihe Jail. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Aur.l«n;er: Joseph C. Snyder CHARLES E.
PRICE Sheriff PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, DEC. A. M. FORMER PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE LATE BESS F. LErAEN ANTIQUES lamnj, vtneeir crueTM drv sink 1 desk oW'tooks, oil marloli waih stand corner cuDl.SSir.iP I' coastci 5ets glases, cMna bowl chocolits Jrf (If dls es one Plates, square footed platter buller dlS ar creara er, 8 Blue plates ish platter buller dlS ar creara er, 8 Blue plates 7M AUCTION SPRUCE ST.
AUCTION Frl. Public Sale AUCTION Want Ads Accepted 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday thru Friday. Saturday until 1 P.M.
All ads published next day. Phone RE 3-5131 Classified Index Alrolaries RenTaii arxl SalH Aoottances tor aii AcpHir.ce, TV It RatflO RlMIr Auto Auto Repair Sfallont Automobiles Jab'v Sltlerj ChW loals and Mo tori Juslness Placts to Rem sulldlng Materials Eoulrrnei luslness ODcortunllies business Prooenv for sale Tards cl ThlnKs Cement A'asonrv and Dyeing Cals Dress Waning Millinery Electrical Service arm Dairy Pi -arm Equipment arms Land for Rent Farms tor sale Feed, Hay and Slraw -emale Help Wanted -loor Sandina lorisls For sale or Rtnl -ound vtl--Coal, I ynersl Directors Furnished Ann. 4 HOUM lor Renl Glass and Installation Good Plares ID Ear Good Thlnos to Eat Hcallna, Plumbing Roollna Heb wantra Man FeTri ImDrovements Houses to Rent Horses, Cattle Houses Id' Sale Houses for nstructlon Offered nstrucllon Wanted nsulallui ScreftfU nsurance Stoclc Bondt anltorial Seruict Jewelry, Watchea I Dlimondl Lavndrv and Ironing Equloment i 10 1IA li 11 JSA 3 IS 7i 3i 2. fl 41 75 55 7i 56 OB Wanreo sf, Strayed or FOUTX! Lost, Sll Lois for 11 Machinery and Male Helo for sain es rtoney Jo Loan Monuments A Cemetery Lotj Motorcycles Aovlno, Storaga Trucking Muscal, Dancft Drama Muical Instrument for Sals Notices Olifce Desk Soace Office Stare Eoufpmwif lno, Palnling, Decvatfrxi ais end Engravfng Eslate Wanted urant Eaulpment iesidenllal JanitorlaF looms for Houseketpfna 70om or Board WdrtJed looms with Boarcf owns Board Planfs Flowers hoe Repairing hOfe Mountain Renteli Wanted, Femalt ituations Wanted, Waft and Lodpes olicilors, Canvawert norlinq Goods rallcrina Pressliw ires and Awto Parts rallerj, Utility rucks and Moton Anfs. far Vatch JeweFry Raoalr Pisces to Rent inholslerino IA Jl A ifi Kf.
1B3 IS 25B fi 1 40 4 4, 1 HA a 16 tl 14 73 30 70 II 51 In Memoriam BOX OFFICE OHHS STARTS AT FREE IN CAR HEATERS DEC. 11-12 WOW! All Records Broken! opolnglra for fht hundreds of can away because were filled le topacilyl Pleose teme eorly! DON'T MISS THIS EXCLUSIVE SHOWING! SEE THIS IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR CAR! DUE IHE A A ttfbiecfmatl-f of motion ehildreo iponied by ie ad mis mention. Lunch riehts arllcles to to 1 AUCTIONEER: JOHN E. EASTERDAV A GERHOLT PHONE CA 3m). CLERKS: MAURICE SNYCER, ALBERT FOCKUR, Carrie M.
Gerholt. HATZER--In loving memory" of our Mother, Wary Elliabelh Shalier, who passed away years ago December ntn. Dear Mother, sleep Ihy last sleep, Free Irom all care and sorrow, RESI, where none weep. Til Ihe eternal morrow. Mr.
i Mrs. John Permit Mr. Philip "-'-S A lowing memory Wolher, Mary E. Shoemaker, who de- bSr Km In our home she Is londly remembered, Sweet memories cling lo her name. Those who loved her in life sincerely Still love her in dealh lust the same.
Her daugnfers, Helen Moore A Gladys Director! KOVZER FUNEKAL Amclt oH Wrkl HOUe Monuments. Burial iott 4 CLARK JENNINGS Odvl GLENN V. DeWALT C- E. DARNER SONS, INC. 3M Dual HMnvw Noticei 5 NOTICE: Hearing on applicationIS transfer of B-Holel ReMjurjnt (on o)f sale) beer, wrrx liquor cenie from Shamrock Irui, Jnc.
eon- ilsfinj or Stanley E. Rurrt Vance I John S. Melloll lo David Powell for premises known at Sfcarn- rock Inn, RFC 2, Hntrslown will bt held at office of Board ol License Washington Counly Court House Annex, Hasen- twn it 10 A.M., Dec. Utfi, im. NO HUNTINO Of trespassing ol any kind on Antfetam Farm north ot RInggold.
Mrs. Chester A. Lyon. Lost Found LOST KEYS on cfialn vie. of Dlskjy store.
Phone RE Aulomobiftf For Salt 1 1 57 Chev. 3 dr.i power sleerlngT" "t' auto-trans. A-l mech. shape. 3-ttil eves.
NAU LT 40, r. electric clUIOl, sun roof, good eond. Musi sell. $.175. 57 Ford coiw.
Good cond. iKB. Phone Its? GERfinAN made Taunus Ford. Nice clean small car. JJ25.
phone RE i960' RAMBLER auto. m. phone 19Ji QUICK Rosdmsiltr, good cond. Sacrifice, Charlej Dasher, Rl. 3,.
Hag- TEMPEST new tires, radio 1 healer, excellent cond. JI050. Oil alltr p.m. Charles Town, W.Va. CHEVROLET, 'ol Mefcury, SBSO.
Both nice cars. 3-9130 --M 739-3731 afltr 5:30. FORD XL, 4 light blue malch. bucket seals. Make ofler or will accept Irade on older model car.
Phone RE aller P.M. CENTRAL MOTORS Dodge Ittp South Potomac and Wilton RE 9-7(00 '61 CHEV. Impala conv. Fully equlc. Like new tires, snow tires.
Will help finance. Call RE 3-W35 belore 9 p.m. p.m. Sunday. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.
One Corvafr Monia Spt. 4-speed, buck- el seals. All leslhtr Intlrlor. Fully equipped. Perlect condilion.
RE 9-S397 '64 COMET STICK' auar. 1M Wayside December The Best Month of the Year to Buy a Used Cor. Every sulo dealer wants fo unload his slock of cars prior to th lirst of Ifte year. Now Is the time lo buy. And now ts the lime to get the best buys ol all Irom KIRK FORD SALES, Inc.
'64 FALCON $1795 Soar, auto-trans, '63 T. BIRD $2875 Low miteaae, 1 owner. '63 FORD $2095 Galaxie "500" 4 door. '63 FORD $1695 300, i door. '62 FORD $1695 Galaxfe 1 door Auto-trans.
'62 FORD $1795 Convertible, EXTRA CLEAN. '61 FALCON $795 2 door sedart. '60CHEVROLT $1095 Bijcayne door, LIKE '59 CHEVROLET $895 Bel Air, auto. Irans. EXTRA SPECIAL KIRK FORD SALES, Inc HANco*ck fOXO, FordtxnallcriookTgbod.
Mu7t sell immediately. $150 or best offer. 1961 THUNDERB1RD tal Company Official's personal car. Your Friendly Ford Dealer MASSE FORD 30 E. Ballo.
si. ASSUME PAYMENTS PODGE 's? Coronet Sedan, rum I toks like new, deep tread tires, a lots ol entraj. Ho Cash Down, 57.50 Wwlcly. Cs 11 (or credit approval. A A Vlrainia Avtru.
MUST BE SOLO AT '60 Ford Sedan One Owner Car Owner WU1 Accept $30 DOWN BALANCE OF $695 Payable $8.50 Weekly joonsboro Read The Herald Advertisem*nts Cirlton Howcrd mm we MNMIITMM MAIL YOUR WANT-ADS TODAY WRITE IT OUT-AND-MAIL IT ON THIS HANDY WANT-AD ORDER FORM Write one word in each space. can print six average words per line Count your words and figure the cost in the chart to the right Ads will run in both papers on consecutive days. When results are obtained and the ad is cancelled you will be refunded the unearned portion TRY THIS TIMELY THRIFTY- TIP. USE HERALD-MAIL WANT ADS TO GET THINGS DONE AT LOW COST WRITE ONE WORD IN EACH SPACE LOCAL WANT AD RATES Lines 3 4 5 6 3 Days 2.61 3.24 3.75 4.50 5 Days 3.75 5.50 6.60 7 Days 4.HO 5.32 6.30 7.56 25-31 Summit Ave. Hagerstown, Md.
HERALD-MAIL CO. Please Run the Ad Above for aV5 Undef ciassificatior. ADDRESS STATE PHONE AM'T ENCLOSED $.., Cards of Thanks--Up to 8 lines In Memoriums--Up to 10 lines $2.70. For the use of confidential Box Numbers add 50c and replies to'the box will be mailed to the advertiser. Do you want to sell, buy, rent or hire? Use the classified 'carry your message.
The go into an overage of 35,500 homes each week day. SEE THE CLASSIFIED INDEX IN THIS PAPER.