I THE MORNING HERALD, HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND FRIDAY, 8, 1932. FOUR TEAMS MAKE UP COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL BALL LEAGUE Season Will Open On April 26 And Will Run For Six Weeh Williflllisport, a 11 i I i spiison. All or I I I 'inrf 1 1 H0011S0010 .1110 i i MfM (l))n (lf t()Wn i Hold hesl seasons singed by I This Year i a I Ills 1 I I T)lf fl r( )s rn nwll A i i i i i i nl WaslimFton I r. II nonnsiwo i a i HiFll School bnsphnll IcapllO I i nl Donnsbom i opoil on April 2fi i i a al a liftmsport. playiiiK at a i A i iinons and Boonsborn at Hagerslown.
a ai llaeersiown. Thf season will rnrl on May 10 'ay ai i Boonsboro at 1 'TM" ai. noonsbow. port and HaporMrm-n at ame 101 I Mny nnonslinrn ai Willinms Four In l.ca.iriie 'pm-i. I i i i i TMs' NEW BABE By Jack Sords (inly four rh.bs Iraciifl i year, a i mid Pn.ii hFluirtr rtpcidinc fo ml tpfiir.s, Six cam PS bn dnrinp thn srnfon an i wimii will be en nrod in I a wi( i i a i i conducted by Playp-nnnrt A i nf RT tiniorp.
it Avflp nrridcii at nicriinp fit Y. M. C. A. i pnme- n-oil CP! under wpy at 3:30 oYlo and i hi nines would be played possible-.
home is to no Jfy the i i i rlnh belwppn 12 an o'clock on tlio day of I Namt i Umpires were named for eon with Caspar, Ford, Harsh an Pnnlsgrove being nominated. Pauls prove will all of the gneni played by the Hagerstown Hig! RED TOP MALT i- You can ilwiyi count on RED TOP for uniform quality and flnnt flavor. UMK DEFTM By COUiBUS 5-4 A i 7, weakened in Mm i i a I Columbus rtetlhirds of I A i a AsFocinlion won llioir sec- nnd a i a from Now Tork 5 In 1. loday. Tho Icil hy Sain llynl, wotil i i niiitll loailing hy is.
Tal Crawford, formrr, i i a Player, hit tho lirst hall for a Thrco BingloR and a liaso on halls wllh Iho bases full accounted for Iho tying and winning runs. Byrrt connected wllli another home and a i .500 for the day. The defeat left Iho Yankees an et- liblllon record of 15 victories and defeats. Score: New York ino fioo 120--4 Columbus 000 020 00.1--5 11 fiomez and Dean, Reach man and Ronsia. AMB.
Hants- Win Over Detroit Tigers SpringHcld. April 7. iuhchlng four of I heir Reven hits an error to Bcoro all of I i uns In the sixth Nen ork i a defealcrl tho Detroit iRers lo today. JCthan Alien featured the sixth Ining a a with a home run off Vic orrell. His lilt was followed by iccessivo doubles hy Moore and ogan and a single hy Terry.
Score: etroit 010 002 100--4 7 1 ew York 000 7 4 Rorrell, Bridges nnd Rliel. Snsce; "alksr. Belld and llogan. INDIANS WINDERS eveland 010 020 010--I I I 2 lattanoopa 021 000 000--3 7 0 Jablonowskl, Connally, Leo and well: l.yska and Rolton. HACK WON 18 HERO OF VICTORY A i 7.
Hack Wilson, a i only I i innings, hit two lioino runs is Hrooklyn Dodgers a Norfolk of I Kasledn League. Kl lo 4, Ih Mielr final sonltiern i i i paino lodiiy. Tomorrow they open three-game i Ihe. Yankees at. lOhhels' Field.
Wilson connected i his liomers the second and Ihird I i Irivlng In four runs. Four Norfolk errors helped llio Dodgers as they pounded out 17 hits. Score: nrooklyn 042 300 17 1 Norfolk 0 0 1 1 0 0 Oil-- 4 7 4 Day, a a Moore and Ruken Grnmpp, Brett and Mlnatree. PIRA.TES ARE LOSERS I i .111 100 111 0-- 1 'ort .1:10 000 300 1--10 20 4 Rrame, Divlns and Brenzel; Whlt- Terry and Krauss. TOPCOATS BUY ANY MEN'S SUIT IN THE HOUSE AND GET A TOPCOAT FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS.
YOU SA VE FROM to A CASH IF YOU WISH OR YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR PLAN OF BUYING. 10 Pay Plan 1 chandin 30 Day Cbarft 2 IChh ih I.II..in, Accoul A little 4own 1 67 W. Washington St. Central Press Sports Editor Under the steel bine sky of the Texas range, a gallant flstire outlined agnlnst sagebrush and sandy waste, rides Ranger Collins, a free mail in a free country, following Ills lesllny wherever It may lead. Slrapped fo his hip, at exact pot where pllcher carries his molsl.
and grimy glove, is riauger Collins' six-sllooler. Hiding lis ears is a man-size headpiece, a cowboy sombrero, and not a dinky monkey cap with a pretty white Jn- lial. The songs of the desert are on Hanger Collins' grim lips and there is joy in his heart for he Is realizing ills life-long ambilion to hllnl and snsro the hold, bad men In the wide open Bpacea. At last his Hoiil Is once more his very own. Ranger Collins must shudder when Im I i of the lifs he has escaped.
I'p lo a few weeks ago Harry Warren Collins, better known as Rip. was a hall player, a big league pllch- er, and a chatlel of the Louis American League club, A Texan born, l(jnfr years In harness as a baseball slave must llave caused much suffering to Collins 1 sensitive soul. The pay was good and there was of grub and comfort, hut Collins had i a the'sweet. fresh air of the Lone Star ranchlnnds since birth and he nrnved It again In large and continuous quantities. So--when tho St.
Louis Browns failed to Inscribe a sufficiently largo figure o.i tho 1M2 contract tendered him, rilcher Rip Collins left it all and became Ranger Rip Collins. Collins has been a ball player since 1915 and a big leaguer since 1520. That year he waa sold by the Dallas Texas League club to the New York Yankees who traded him along with Roger Pecklnpaugh, Bill Plercy and Qlllnn to Boston for Everett Scott. Bullet Joe Bush and Sad Sam Jones. From Boston Collins went to Detroit and In 1S27 the Tigers let him RO to tlie Toronto International League club.
The Browns bought him In iri2fl and he was with the St. Louis club utilil his recent salary disagreement and overpowering urge to ride Ihe range for keeps. Time alone will whether or not Collins wan shrewd In forsaking life as It Is lived In the big league towns. Chances he won't have a single regret. It will he happy thoughts that Rill will he thinking this summer as he tit* by the cumpnre on the open rangeland beneath the silent stars.
will he feeling sorry tor his old teammates parked In a hothouse hotel or sweltering In a Bleeping car on the long Jump from Phllly" lo Chicaso. BLUE BIRDS IN FORM FOR OPENER The SharpsburR Bine Jlirds have been practicing hnrd in order to be in the bes shape Tor their opening game i Sunday i the Funkstown A'R. For tho past two seasons the A'a have taken thfi opening Kame only to have the series evened up later in the Reason. Manager Grove has stated that his hurl Gross and Brashears, are in good form and that either one is ready to toe the Slab in the opening contest, The team has been hitting the ball hard in practice and own will he in for a hard battle this' Sunday! Favorites Lose In Golf Match Yale i Dcfcate Along With Many Othe College in Tour ney Pinehurst, N. A i orltes, Including tho aggregation golfers from Yale, found the goin, hard today In the second round the a a North and South Amn tour tournament here.
Three of Ml a representing old P311 wer eliminated, along wllh Dick WIlsoi of Southern Tines, the medalist. Forties K. Wilson of York'llarhoi Maine, who played with tho Yale in championship outfit las year, waa victim of a sensationa Hirst of golf hy J. B. Ryerson, a vet ran of.
the links from Coopcrstown N. Y. Wilson Is Loser Ryerson found himself three down only four holes to play, ani Wilson's chances of losing the matcl seemed gone. But Ryerson hreo birdies and a five to wit one np. His card for the final foil loles was: 2-5-2-3.
Dick ono time Ceorgefnwi Iniveraity star, lost fo .1. M. Rob tins, Merlon, 3 and 2. M. r.
Warner, Pino Orchard was the only a entry to urvlve. He defeated his fellow col egian, J. E. Parker, Orange, 2 and 1. Yale's caplain, S.
W. Noyes, Dohhs Ferry, N. lost a close attle wilh Halliert J. Blue, one up. Pairings for tomorrow place Roll iins against Warner, and Bine gainst Ryerson.
Brownies Easy Winners Of Game Nashville, April 7, St. Louis Brown counted ten nns in Ihe sixlh inning of their nal spring exhibition game with I'anhville hero today and the atno was rained out. the St. Louis earn winning, 6 to 3. Score: t.
Louis 110 04--B 1 'ashvllle 000 21--3 1 Hehort and BcngouRh; Simmons ud Rahe. BEATEN ncinnatl 000 010 100--2 1 Indianapolis 100 Olx--8 10 0 Johnson and Mansion; Bnrnhart and Angley. Braves Trounce Washington 10-i Washington, April 7, (IF). The Hoston Braves 'pounded hip Krai Marberry nil over (he lot toilay nicking him for 13 hits In flvo ill' nlngs to defeat the Washington lional 10 to 9. Maranvllle and Ilargrave each slammed out hils.
Score: '042 031 000--10 15 1 Washington 042 012 000--9 16 2 nrandt and Uai-grave: Marbcrry, Crowdcr ami Spencer. Berg. Mrs. Hill Wins Way To Meets Miss Maddox for Dogwood Tourney Championship a a Greensboro Greensboro, N. April 7, Opal S.
Hill, of Kansas City, he Western champion, and Miss Margaret Maddox, oE A a a i rsia champion, vanquished their -CRpnctivc opponents by derisive scores In thn semi-final round todny nt a a goK lounia- nout. a aomorrow piny tho title which Mrs. Hill won apt, year. Mrs. Hill woji her way to the inals by rieCoatinp: Mrs.
J. J. Lawlor, New Kochelle, New York. 5 and 4, vhilo Miss Maddox advanced by vir- ue of a 5 t.o 3 victory over a 1 bampion, Mrs. Leon Solomon, the 'emiesscG tftleboldcr.
MATE IS ENTERED IN Wit RACE Howie, April 7, Mate, clilof rival oC Twcnly Grand (or the old hirf championship last will a his four-year old eampiilpn for slake honors In the- SIB.OOfI Dixie Hnndicnp at Pimlloo Slay 7. Tho Dixie, douidcd over one niHo and llirco-sixtoontlis. is first UIP a liandicap crania for which A. HpsLwick has tunned' Mate i llio Import i i son of Prince Tol will pnss Sita rtcan as money i before the end of I lie year. Winner of the leading money i in training.
"Cheerio, feet You're on easy street 1" STEIimSHIS MNTT-ONE TODAY Clovclniul. April 7. siclln alsh, Iho "fastest Avonian" sprinter, 21 years old today anil she ceiO' rated the. event by appearing iio- nre a Federal a a i a i clerk swear citizenship papers. Hiss Walsh took her citizenship thn first opportunity in order to eligible to represent the United tales in the coming Olympic games Los Angeles.
She- will receive er flnal papers late In the summer. Miss Walsh was born in Poland nd came to the United States with er parents as a baby. AT NEW LOWER PRICES O'S Shoe EVERY H. SLHtJirit HAGERSTOWN'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE SPORT SHOP McFaddin's Sport Shop 30 North Jonathan Street Grass Seed R. D.
McKEE QUALITY and PROGRESS work together ENJOYMENT VOSS WASHER $59.95 The Smith Furniture Co. 49-47 W. Franklin 8U PHONK 1270 El Producto began with the idea of Quality-for real enjoyment. But when better methods have appeared, El Producto has adopted them. (Not a few times, El Producto has originated them.) You simply cannot get better quality in a cigar than El Producto.
It'does not exist. And, if your idea of cigar enjoyment is mild, yet distinctive quality--we know you will find that El Producto will fill the bill. More and more for your money--and always the finest Quality--small wonder that El Producto the cigar standard "for real enjoyment." Many sizes--lOc to 25c A I A Voriify Wt CIGAR.