The Daily Mail from Hagerstown, Maryland (2024)

for Sale 11 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER--1939 sedan. Phone 444S. 1930 FORD--2-door sedan, fair con- dition. Call after 6 p. m.

A. H. Bikte. Smithsburg. Antomoblle 11A HOUSE TRAILER--Must sell this week.

Apply L. B. Hastings, opp. Durbin's Esso- Station. Rt.

40 West. HOUSE TRAILER for sale. $350. Apply 22S Summit for key and in- formation. Autos for Hire A A I never did hurtcha.

Paul H. Johnson's AdT. RENT A CAR Oj TRUCK Business or Pleasure Phone 4419 CITY DBIY-UR-SELF SERVICE Rear Washington County Library and Bicycles 15 HARLEY-Davidson motorcycle Model 34, 50 motor single. Gqod condition $225. Witmer's Garage, 416 Mitchell St.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1937. In good conditioB Phone 10S2-W-1. Repairing and Service Stations 16 AUTOS cleaned and waxed, uphols- tering cleaned, auto glass installed. We pick up and deliver. Phone Bvrd's Auto Exchange.

214S-W. Parts, Accessories IT FOUR new 600x16 IS. S. Royal 6-ply passenger tires with tubes. $100 for complete set.

Phone 4304-W. Wanted--Antomotive 17A A. B. C. SPECIAL 10 DAY OFFER WE NEED good clean late model used cars.

For the next 10 days we will pav extra cash bonus. NO ONE CAN PAY YOU MORE GKT CASH IN FIVE MINUTES AUTOMOBILE BROKERAGE CO. S95 Penna. Are. Phone 45i3 SELL YOUR car or truck to SE- DAN.

CASH on, the Barrel-Head. VALUE CENTER 633 Summit Ave. Phone 420 USED Cars Wanted. Highest prices paid. AMSLEY BODY SHOP First GuilfordL 4547.

WE WILL BUY All Model Cars and Trucks 1936 and up. Pay Top Price. Bring your car to the Hoffman Chevrolet Sales. 313 W. Washing- ton St.

Hagerstown. Md Ph 455 Service Offered 18 ALL TYPES of electric clocks clean- ed and repaired. $1.00 plus part. Apply 539 Frederick St." ATTENTION FARMERS Call us now for custom plowing. Phone 4448 fter 6 p.

m. Help Wanted--Female S2 ASSISTANT bookkeeper wanted. Apply Weiss Brothers. 137 East Franklin St. CLERK-TYPIST--An excellent op- portunity with established Life In- surance Company.

Pleasant -work- ing conditions. 5 day 40 hour week. Experience desirable not necessary. Write to Box No. 97.

Herald-MalL DISHWASHER Apply Western Maryland 341 Washington St. EXCELLENT position for capable young woman for secretarial work. Experience in short hand essential. J. EDW.

COCHRAN Inc. Phone 64 for appointment. GIRL--to help with housework by the day or week. Apply 34 East Antietam Street. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for the nurses home.

Apply Miss Freet. Washington County 'Hospital be- tween 8 and o. LADY to work in linen room of housekeeping department. Apply to Miss Barcellos HOTEL ALEX- BANDER. MAIDS WANTED Apply Housekeeper HOTEL TYPING one line cards to be done at home.

$3.00 thousand. Write Box 106 Herald-Mail. WAITRESSES Wanted, Top salary. Apply Mapleway Grill. 22 S.

Poto- mac St. Apuly. Rose Bowl Restaurant, Bus Terminal. E. Antietam St.

WAITRESS Wanted. neat, experience not necessary. 7 to 4. Good wages. Excellent working conditions.

Phone 4210. Mr. Urgo. ANTIQUE lamps repaired and elec- trified, brass and copper articles repaired, cleaned, polished and lac- quered. The Craftsman.

215 Alex- ander St. CABINET MAKER--Household Avail cabinets and sinks made to order. Phone 1753-M. 10 A. M.

to 4 P. M. CARPENTER work and building. Apply 3 Englewood Road. Halfway.

CESSPOOL and" sludge pumping of all kinds. Reasonable rates. Esti- mates given. Phone Fayetteville. 56.

Reverse charge. ELECTRICAL Annliance Repairing. House wiring. HOLZAPFEL FIREY After 5 p. m.

call 4231M or 27JW. 45 E. Washington St. Phone 4191 EXPERIENCED plastering patch work done, J. J.

Sheffler, 236 E. Washington St. FLOOR SANDING, finishing and polishing. Phone D. J.

Gossert 907-J-2. A motor overhauling. Clutches, springs, brakes and knee action. Phone 4276-W. Carbaugb's Garage.

Fiddleraburg. GENERATORS. Springs. Clutch, ig- nition, brakes, general repairing. MACE'S AUTO SERVICE SOS Rose Hill AYS.

Phone 2211-J. GLASS---Sold and replaced in auto- mobiles, mirrors, window glass. Glass Sho-. 11 N. Locust.

Ph. 2693W. HAULING of ashes, etc. Also small carpenter repair jobs. Reasonable.

For service PAINTING Papering Cabinet Work--Cust Built Furnitutre-- Furniture Repairing Upholster- ing and Finishing Floor Sand- ing Floor Finishing. T. LOCKE Interior Decorator 332 Locust ST Ph. 1326-W. REFRIGERATORS.

Washers. Vacu- um: Cleaners repaired. Service on all makes. E. R.

Dodd. 446 Guil- ford Ave. Phone 153S-R. REFRIGERATORS. Washers.

Va- cuum cleaners repaired service for all makes. Phone 4296-J. DENTLER 42 Summit A.V9. ROOFING New roof installed. Best grade of material.

Expert labor. No money dem-n. Free estimates. No obliga- tion. Phone Keedysville 7-F-31.

SAW FILING--The Foley Way. Virginia. Ave. SPECIALIZING in small job car- penter repair service. List your work now to secure your turn in the near future.

Drop a card -to Chester Bran 626 Salem Radio Repairing liC A COMPLETE stock or parta on hand to repair your radio. Lincoln Electric Halfway Phone 16SO. AUTHORI2ED PHILCO SERVICE RENN RADIO SERVICE .504 Ridge Ave. Ph. 1619-M.

ALL KINDS ot Electrical Wiring. Radio Sales Service. NOWELL ELECTRICAL INC. 30 Wayside Phone 787-J. FOR COMPLETE radio service, partt or tubes, call DENTLER 42 Summit Ave.

Phme 4236-J. Ken's RADIO AND ELECTRICAL APPLLAJSTCS SERVICING All Makes of Radios--Repaired WE REPAIR Toasters Phonographs Cleaners Irons Radio Tubes Tested Free Complete Line of Tubes 145 S. Mulberry St. Phone 3051-J RADIO MOVIE SERVICE Tubes, parts. lamrs.

hardware, pro- jectors, screens, film for sale or Used records, door chimes. New and used radios $5 up. SOUND LABORATORIES Washington St. Ph. 3716.

PAUL L. KEPLINGER Radio Electric Service S22 Ave. Phone 3800-J. Teaching. Storage ALL KINDS of hauling ashes rub- bish.

small movings. L. Har- baugh. Reas. prices.

Phone 4193. ASHES furnished and hauled. Im- mediate delivery. Also 3 rubber boats. Phone 2976 Williamsport.

DUMP TRUCK hauling--Cinders for lanes, garages and driveways. J. H. Fisher. Phone 1863-R.

LOCAL hauling. Phone 3912-M. Richard Long, formerly with Car- bauph's 13 vears-. PHON: 24S2-J for crating to go any- where. Moving in the State of Maryland.

25 yrs experience. Basil Martin Fifnk-town Repairing and Reflnlahtng 39 FURNITURE REPAIRING "Custom and Anticiue Finishes" ROBERT ARTZ AVE PH. 139S-J. F. J.

GACK--Reupholstering and re- pairing furniture Phone 3056 28 B. St. FURN-TTURE repaired and refin- ished. A i custom finishes ROBERT BELT. 136 Pot St Phone I Reupholstered Fine line of FABRICS A Rear 5S Ph 1263-M FURNITURE reupholstered and re- pnirert.

Paul H. Barr. Phone Help Wanted--Female 32 AMAZING" for selling- 100 boxes 25 beautiful avs'-rtftd All-Occasion cards. Sells for profit 60c. Free samples.

It costs i to try. Cheerful Card 12M. White Plains. N. Y.

A RELIABLE middle-aged lady to live in with widov and do light Apply 113 Elm St. ANY middle aged woman needing a home, willing to help with the house work, with elderly couple, come'to 640 Summit Ave. CHAMBERMAIDS WANTED AppH to MISS BARCELLOS Housekeeper HOTEL ALEXANDER WAITRESSES wanted for day work. Also for 12 midnight to 8 a. m.

Only those who can furnish good references need apply. Pros- pectDiner. 12 N. Prospect St. WAITRESSES Wanted.

Apply 15 E. Baltimore St. WAITRESS Wanted. Apply Bent- zel's. 44 Summit ATe- WAITRESSE 0 --Wanted.

6 days per week. Experienced. Apply PLAZA RESTAURANT 18 N. Potomac St. WANTED--Middle-aged lady or young girl for general housework 8 a.

m. to 4 p. Sat. half day, Sun- days off. Write "3ox 99 Herald- Mail.

WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES COOKS For one of the finest restau- rants. '-xcellent working con- ditions. Apply HAGER HOUSE S. Potomac St. or Phone 4126 Ask for Mr.

Strauss. WANTED-- Girl for general office work and tvping. No shorthand or dicta- tion. Apply Box 84 giving ref- erence, name, address and phone number. WOMAN dishwasher wanted.

Ap- ply, Uncle John's Cabin. Frederick street YOUNG GIRL to wait on tables and help in kitchen in neighborhood restaurant. Hours 8:30 to 4:30. Sun- days off. Call 3672.

2 WAITRESSES Victory Lunch 57 W. Franklin St. Help Wanted--Male ACCOUNTANT-- Large organization has opening for well trained and experienced man. Write in confidence com- plete details of education and present and past positions with salaries received. References will not be contacted until in- terview.

Write Box 108 Herald-Mail. CARRIERS For Morning or evening Routes Wanted Apply Circulation Dept. HERALD-MAIL CO. EPERIENCED body and fender man. Must have some knowledge of painting.

Good pay. J. SNOWBERGER SONS 219 E. Washington St. GRILL MAN wanted.

Apply 15 East Baltimore St. GOOD PAY LIBERAL, VACATIONS NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED EXCELLENT CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT STENOGRAPHERS, Clerk typists. Personnel Consultants, and thirty more skilled or unskilled workers needed. Top salary. 30 day paid vacation a year, can make up to $165.00 a month, excellent medical dental care plus chance to learn a new trade or skill.

Stop in to-day and 'see your U. S. Army Recruit- ing 1st floor. City Hall. Hagerstown.

Maryland. PAINTERS WANTED--2 young men between 20 and 25 years of age. with some painting experience. Steady work. Apply after 5:30 p.m.

R. E. Gaver, Smithsburg. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We wish to train several men to work in and around Hagerstown to list and sell farms, city, and suburban properties. Let us show you how a good wide awake and ambitious man can earn an excellent yearly income.

Full training by our sales manager. Call 4423 for your ap- poi.itment apply today. GAYLORD BROOKS CO. 303 Earle Bldg. SALESMAN WANTED well established local organiza- tion.

Must be experienced and acquainted with surrounding terri- tories. Write and slate qualifica- tions to Box 96. Herald-Mail WANTED--Married man to oper- ate milking machine, and work "in dairy, no field work, good wages. apartment', heat and electricity furnished. Write F.

C. Downey. Williamsport. or phone Wil- liamsport 3613. SEXTON Married couple for church in Chevy Chilse.

D. fifth- class engineer license required for man, with all-round mechanica ability; living quarters utilities furnished: steady job for reliable, sober, industrious couple Apply In writing, stating experi- ence, qualifications, references, and salary expected. Reply to W. Home. 407 Cumberland Chevy Chase 15.

Md. SINGLE MAN WANTED--to work on small farm by the month. Writ Box 102. Herald-Mall. WANTED Advertising salesman Specialties and Calendars.

Success ful rapidly expanding agency with unusual sales plan has opening fo one or two representatives in you locality. Earnings unlimited fo resourceful, energetic men. prefer ably with car. Abtlitv to follow dl rectlons and territory assignment essential. Give complete informa tlon concerning yournelf In writ to: Berry, Sales Manager Campbell, Ensor EMton.

Md. Help Wanted--Male INGLE man to. work on farm. Good wages. Live in.

Daniel H. Downey, DowusviUe pike. Phone WUliamsport 361S. INGLE MAN with experience to work on smooth farm near Hagers- townu Beef cattle. No dairy.

En- tirely tractor operated. Work year around. Can start now. Write Box 98. Herald-Mail.

POSTAGE stamp rending 1 $37.50 each. Phone 69S-J. WANTED makers for retubing boilers and pressure vessel work. Only re- liable and qualified men need ap- ply. Permanent work.

INC. 439 S. Potomac St. WANTED--Experienced man for community grocery and meat mar- ket. Must be honest and reliable; good salary for the right man.

Write Box 93 Herald-Mail Kiv- ing age, past employment. VE WILL offer a home, garden, and lot to a middle aged man with family, to work on fruit farm. TTrite Box 103. Herald-Mail. WHO WANTS steady work? No poll- tics.

No strikes. No layoffs. Rural Watkins route now available for ambitious man with car. Write: H. 'ollins.

Box 367. Newark. K. J. Help--Male and Female DISHWASHER wanted.

Apply Uncle John's Cabin. Frederick street. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 21ectric Soda Fountains; Upholster- ed Booths; Lacy Electric Hot Cups: Electric Fudge Warmers: Fryers, eras or electric, all sizes; Griddles, electric or gas; Heavy Duty Res- taurant Gas Ranges: Electric Di- rect Beer Box. H. A.

WEISS SON 225 N. Jonathan St. TeL 1315-J. VIALE AND female interested in the future. Good working conditions.

Car necessary. Write Box' 100 Herald-Mail. Situations--Wanted Female 3C ILL KEEP children in their own home while parents work. Phone 4361-R. DUPLICATORS DITTO direct process and gelatin Niagara stencil.

RONEY'S 25 N. Potomac St. Phone 1093. Money to Loan. Mortgages 4S LOANS TO FABMERS LONG TERM CREDIT Purchase of farms, refinancing of mortgages, or construction of buildings.

SHORT TERM CREDIT For: Purchase of dairy farm ma- ch'nerv, feeder cattle, feed, seed, fertilizer. Refinancing of debts. repairs or construction or FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Pythian Castle 20 North Court St. Frjederick. Md.

Local Representative: Walter D. Bromley the office of Henry HolzapfeL HI Grice Building. Phone 49J Hagerstown. Maryland Tuesday Friday. 9-12 o'clock your family with a new home thru our modern financing plan.

Full details. First Federal Savings Loan Ass n. 33 Jonathan St. Tel. 1001 PaBctegf Dramatics DANCING--1-9 daily.

1 guarantee to teach every scholar. Strasser'E Studio 23 Wash St Ph 698-W Dogs, Cats. Other Pets 47 BEAUTIFUL Pedigree Persian kit- tens for sale. Mrs. W.

F. Haraill. W. Wilson Blvd SALE--Beautiful Chihuahua and Toy Manchester puppies. Small- est of all dogs.

Write Tharp's Ken- nel. 120 Federal street. Phone 1497-M. Cumberland. Md.

Q1L4.DINE your dog AGAINST fall- ing hair, dandruff scales, ear and carcoptic mange, fleas, lice, ring- worm, and canker ear. mosquitoes and wood ticks. It works or money refunded. Do as the great kennels do. HOWARD'S OF HAGERSTOWN 5-7-9 E.

Baltimore St. Ph- MILK GOATS and young kid goats for sale. Apply Mrs. E. W.

Flegel. ft. R. Crossroads. Downsville Pike.

Horaea. Cattle. Other Stock 48 FOUR FRESH cows--3 grade. 1 reg- istered. Guernsey cow.

Also 1 reg- istered Guernsey bull All T. B. and blood tested. S. Ml McDonough.

Smithsburg. Phone Smithsburg or Hagerstown 662 FOR SALE--3 Purebred Hampshire Boars. R. A. McCauley.

Cearfoss Pike. Phones: Office 3474. Home 1252-J. UDING HORSE--Bay. safe for boy or firl.

For sale or trade on work horse. Sam Pashen. W. Church. TWO SORREL horses for sale.

Ap- nlv Howard Hartle. Poultry and SnppiJCB 49 4.NDREWS CHICKS--Day old and started, flocks state tested. Tube agglu. Sexed chicks in all breeds. James Andrews Hatchery.

Hagers- town. RFD No. 4. at Middle- burg. Phone I323-J-2.

BABY CHICKS New Hampshire Rtfds, excellent for broilers. NOW ON SALE, wholesale and retail. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES 46 W. Church St. Tel.

4271.. BABY CHICKS--Day old or started. New Hampshire Red. Barre'" White Rocks U. S.

approved: pullo- rum passed. Excellent for eggs or broilers. Cumberland Valley Hatchery Maugansville. Md. Phone 2952J 'OR CHICKS, feeds' and poultry supplies, call 836-J-l.

Martin's Hatchery. 25 WHITE Rock Pullets. months old. Starting to lay. Phone 1547-J.

Alex Henson. Interval Rcl. FEEDS are specially designed for poultry and livestock that is bred to produce. Let us tell you of the outstanding 1946 record of. Ful-O-Pep fed poultry and stock at the great shows of the nation.

Sold exclusively in Washington Countv by Howard's of Hagerstowa. 5-7-9 E. Baltimore St. Phone SOS for excellent delivery Wanted--Li-restock of all kinds. Phone Dale B.

Rohrer. 101SJ-2 after 5 p. m. Smithsburjr 83. be- twfre-n a.

m. to 5 p. nt. for sale II ANTIQUE x- Victorian sideboard, walnut, marble top, excellent con- dition. Call 295-R, Greeneastle.

Pa. A Royal Blue. Bigelow Broad loom Rug. excellent condition. Ph 417-M.

Can be geen after 6 p. COMPLETE professional dark room equipment. New. Phone 3S65-M. BABY CRIB: upholstered high chair; child's spring coat, size 3.

Phone 1133-J-2. BOILER Steam Furnace. Good for SOO feet of radiation. Good condi- tion. Cheap.

Apply 712 Church St. COMPLETE line of Trusses. Abdom- inal Belts. Supporters of all kinds Crutches, etc. Private, fitting room EaUle's Dr Store.

W. Wash- ton Hagerstown. McL DAVENPORT--S ft. leather seat and back, like new; 6 case coca- cola cooler, like new: all ki used i for sale. Applv Brfnsboro Second Hand EXPERT MAYTAG SERVICE HAGERSTOWN MAYTAG CO.

22 i Potomnc St. PHONE 662 EXTRA heavy duty 30 gallon water FOUR CAN Wilson milk cooler used 2 months, priced reasonable also Florence oil burner, good con- dition. Phone 52-W-3. Daniel Eby Cearfoss Pike. GARAGE DOORS--I set standard size.

1 pair double swinging Also tailored curtains. SOI Dewej Ave. GIRL'S 24" bicycle upright Schaef fer piano. Phone HAMMERMILL--new, Woodbeam 3 horse Oliver plow, and Guernsey bull 900 suitable for service Apply Howard Barkdoll. nea, Gown's Station.

VViUlamsport. HOOVER SALES SERVICE H. C. MYERS 2S N. Locust Ph.J125M SMITH typewriter for price $30.

Apply 795 Hamilton Blvd. Phone 11M-M. PHILCO electric refrigerator. 7 ci capacity, deluxe model; apt size gas Apply Meyer Bros. Liquor Store, W.

Washing ton St. at W. M. R. Articles fer Sale II UR CUSTOMERS buy Fina Foam again and again, It cleans rugs and upholstery like new.

Dept. Store. 4th floor. AVAGE HORNET Rifle. New con- dition.

Six shot with five power telescope. Seventy rounds or am- munition and good cleaains rodL $80.00. Apply after 3 p. Edward Ridenour, Security. Md.

INK and wall cabinets made to fit your kitchen. Phone 1753-M. 10 A. M. to 4 P.

M. SOFT COAL Stoker. National Jack- boiler. Phone 2410-R. TWO BRUNSWICK Bulk Bowling Alleys.

2 pool tables. Must be re- moved at once, and will sell cheap. V. Kaplon Brunswick. McL.Call 3241 or 3661.

UPRIGHT piano. Phone 1583-J. Bnlldiny Materials SALE---Plenty of foundation stone. Apply L. E.

Bentz. May- flpwer Cab Co. )AK 2x6. 4x4. 2x4.

2 inch mesh poultry wire. Apply 22 Belview Ave. Phone 3440-W. ROOF PAINT Get our low price for a complete job. LIBERTY ROOFERS.

Phone Keedysyille 7-P-31. Bnslaess Office Equipment S4 Office HOBART meat grinder; one sanitary 1 scales. 24 Ib. capacity with Ic and graduations. Phone 3998-R.

Farm Equipment 85A "ORDSON tractor with magneto, double gang 12" plow. Apply Rus- sell Mizell. Indian Springs. Md. SALE--2 Farmall F20 tractors with cultivators: one F-14 Farmall tractor.

Lot rubber tire farm wag- ons. Low prices. Guy C. Kline. Myersville.

Phone 2801. dcCORMICK-Deering Little Won- der 2-12 bottom plow. Robert L. Shope. Chewsville.

Md. 'WO HORSE wagcn, bed and lad- ders. Good. J. E.

Beckley. 1 mile west of Chewsville. Coal and Wood 66A FOR COAL quality and service, call L. E. Kendrick, 121 Buena Vista Ave.

Phone 908-R. JAMISON'S DRY KINDLING WOOD. Phone 4108-J, 12 to 1 or after 5 p. m. Immediate delivery.

NORRIS COAL CO. High grade stoker coal, screened and treated. Guaranteed to give good service in any make clinker- ing type stoker. $9.75 ton. Johns- town washed coal, screened-treat- ed, nut stove $10.50.

Lykens Valley red ash. hard coal, nut and stove. $15.50. pea $13.50. Special white ash.

buckwheat size for hard coal stokers 512.. ton. Rice $10.. 59,50. We give clean and careful delivery service.

Our coal has been tested and approved by our local 147 E. Franklin St. Phone 15S2. We also have Breaketts. Special for hot water dinky and hot air fur- naces $14.

ton. New customers wel- come. THE BEST in firewood. 52.75 and $5.00 load. Immediate delivery.

Call -S Pinwood. 3804 To Bat APPLES All leading varieties. Wholesale and retail MARTIN'S COLD STORAGE Wddleburg Pike Phone 4117 St AMERICAN KITCHEN SINKS for Immediate Delivery LLOYD W. THOMPSON Phone Keedysville S5-F-2 BOTTLED gas and wood combina- tion range. Late model.

Phone 403S-F-21. BOTTLED-GAS Ranges with re- duced "metered" Gas service rates- Immediate installation. Jones Appliance Service 24 Summit Ave. Phone 84. CLEAR Js-CE SALF of all kinds of used furniture and household goods at very low prices.

Rear of W. Franklin in alley room formerly occupied by Dixie Supply Phone 14. 3. E. REFRIGERATOR--in perfect condition.

Price $90. Can. be seen at E. Franklin; 1st fToor. "ITCHEN Range in good condition, $25.

Electric table lamp, good as new. $2.50. W. L. Myers, North of MANGLE iron, like n-ew.

Phone 3744 -W. RANGE--Pre-war late model, white, clock, heat control: also a heatrola. Apply SOI Main Ave. THOR washing machine, needs re- pairs. S15.

Phone 2S1-W. WASHING machines repaired, parts and wringer rolls. Jones Appliance Service. 24 Summit Ave. Phone 24.

Machinery and JARDEN TRACTORS--3 sizes. All attachments. Immediate delivery. Phone Guv C. Kline.

Myersville 2801. WELDING EQUIPMENT, pumps speed reducers. and flat belts and pulleys, chain hoists, electric- hoists, basem*nt and underground fuel tanks, high pressure and heat- ing boilers, stokers, exhaust fans. Ernies, bench grinders, etc. HAGERSTOWN EQUIPMENT CO.

Hagerstown. Md. 2 NEW garden tractors--one 2 H. one 3 P. Apply Lloyd R.

Cavetown, Md. 0" CIRCULAR Saw. With motor. $50.00. Phone 4179-R after 5 p.

m. Musical Merchandise tat REFINISHED and THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED PIANOS $89.50 up SHOCKEY'S FURNITURE CO. 28-30 Summit Ave. Phone 1203 Radio Equipment RADIO--Cabinet Airline. 5 tubes Apply 646 Potomac Aye, Seeds.

Plants, Flow era In the HEAVY GALVANIZED WARE Galvanized $1,00 Galvanized Garbage $2.15 Galvanized Tubs 52.50 100 feet No. 9 galvanized clothes- line wire 65c 100 feet twisted cable NESCO kerosene portable room dealer jg.50 SCH1NDEL-ROHRER CO. INC. 26-28 S. Potomac St.

SUPER HOUSE PAINT WHITE1 Quart 1.50 Gallon 5.25 5 Gallon $25.75 SUPER FLOOR ENAMEL ASSORTED COLORS Quart $1.10 Gallon $3.79 SUPER PORCH DECK PAINT ASSORTED COLORS Quart $1.10 Gallon $3.79 MONTGOMERY WARD Wearing Apparel DESIRABLE W. Washington St. 13 room brick. Ideal rooming house. can be easily converted to 3 apts.

Early possession. MARYLAND rooms, new bath, furnace. Immed. poss. 6 ROOM frame, electric well.

cistern, berries, fruit, bus service. Immed. poss. M. DORSEY Office 106 Grice Bldg.

Ph. 2774-W. CHILD'S Summer coat and hat. size 4, practically new. $10; boy's sum- mer coat and hat.

size 4. $5., Ph, 695-J. Wavside Ave. Wmatei--To Bmy A CALL to Sam's Exchange will bri you the highest cash value yonr used furniture, bric-a- brac, glassware and household goods. Sam call on vou now.

Phone 1S13-W. HIGHEST cash prices paid tor new and used furniture Foray the Stor- age, Mill St. 849-J. WE BUY second hand furniture. Apply 249 S.

Locust St. or phone 1745-R. Witkcmt Board CENTRAL--Summit Ave. 173--large cheerful front room. Quiet home.

Suitable for two--use of phone. FURNISHED room. Apply 316 Prospect St. or phone 3762-J. LARGE COMFORTABLE.

nicely furnished front room. Suitable for two. Apply 301 S. Potomac or phone 3273. ROOM for one gentleman.

Apply 519 Reynolds Ave. SLEEPING ROOM suitable for gentleman. $3.50 a week. Phone 2578-W. TWO FURNISHED bedrooms for men.

1 or 2 in room. Garage avail- able. Apply 66 Wayside Ave. TWO ROOMS for rent. Apply 479 Mitchell Ave.

tor Rent STORE ROOMS, offices, storage and manufacturing space for rent. GHOH REALTY 40 Summit AT. ant Rent 76 75 ACRE FARM with 3 room house for rent on shares. Also 20 to 100 ac-es, with 8 room house, for rent on money rent. GROH REALTY 40 Summit Av Rouaea tog Rent HOUSE IN country.

Must help on farm part time. Available immedi- ately. Write Box 101. Herald- Mail. ei CLAIM adjuster for Hartford Acci- dent and Indemnity Co.

wants un- furnished two or three bedroom apartment or house for wife, school-age son and self. Veteran. Permanently located in Hagers- town. 2S54, 9 to 5. GARAGE in vicinity of 800 block Oak Hill Avenue.

Call 709-R. I AM just s. few days-old and have no place fo take ray new mother and daddy. The three of us need a furnished apartment to take care of me, and I romise I'll take good care of the place, 'Call 2S14 or 247S-R. SALES EXECUTIVE desires 6 room house in residential section of Ha- gerstown as a permanent resi- dence.

Familv consists of wife and one 14 yr. old child. Would like to have possession about June 1st. Will accept conditions of lease and advance payment. Write Box 77 VETERAN needs 4 or 5 rm.

house or apt. in or out of town. Furnished or unfurnished. Ref. Ph.

1550-J. WANTED to rent or buy: building large enough for commercial ga- rage, in or near city. Write Box 94 Herald-Mail, WANTED--3 or 4 room furnishec apt. Employed couple. No children Phone 29S2 between and 5.

WANTED by married couple: 3 or more room furnished apt- or cot- tage In Pen-Mar or Blue Ridge Summit. Write Box 95 Herald- WANTED--by veteran, wife and 2 children. 5 or 6 room house. Per- manent residents with excellent references Call 177S-M, with approxi- mately 2500 square feet for stor- age.

Railroad siding preferred. Ha- gerstown Rubber Co. WANTED 2 bedroom apt. by family of adults, both employed Permanent residents, excellent references. Phone 668, 8:30 a- to 5 p.

m. WANTED--2 or garages for stor- jige. Phone Keedysville 7-F-31, WANTED--3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment by May 1st. Only 2 adults in family. Phone 23S3-M.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bikle.

WANTED--6 room house within miles radius of Hagerstown for family of 3. Can furnish A-l refer- ence. Willing to furnish bond to cover up keep of property. Write Box 105. Herald-Mail.

WIDOW lady desires 2 or 3 room apt. No children or nets. Phone 1551-R. WIFE BABY in need of an apart- ment immediately, furnished or unfurnished. Please call 2593 after 5 P.

-TO. Husband in service. In Real Estate CONSULT THE REAL ESTATE MART for up-to-the-minute listings Appears on this page every Tuesday--Thursday--Saturday L. S. SPANGLER AGENCY gnd Nat'l.

Bank Bldg. Phone 336 FOR BEST RESULTS List your property for sale with- A. McCUNE 412-2nd Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 4. Parma and for Sale 11 A.

8 rooms. A real location. S2 A. 7 rooms. Barn fixed for milk Silo.

Possession this spring. 9S 9 rooms. Priced to sell. 165 A. 2 houses.

Running water. Blue grass pasture dairy farm. C. E. WINGER 236 Hager St.

Phone 2SS3 SAPLING Clover Seed. $30 a bushel, clean, ready to sow. Glenn Fiery. Phone Clearsprlng 4248. U.

S. CERTIFIED MAINE-GROWN SEED POTATOES Irish Cobbler. Katahdin and Red Bliss. For the commercial grower and the home gardener. Howard's of Hagers- town, 5-7-9 E.

Baltimore St. Phone SOfi for excello delivery service. Special? In ARCTIC Ice Refrigerators $39.50 up. FRANKLIN FURNITURE CO. 13 W.

Antietam St. GOING AWAY SOON? LUGGAGE FOR MEN Club Bags $16.20 Top Grain 2 Suiter S59.04 Top Grain Overnite Bag $40.20 Split Grain Gladstones $27.00 LUGGAGE FOR LADIES Overnite Bag $17.96 $16.74 Fitted Overnite $23.94 Sampsonlte Wardrobe $24.00 Sampsonlte Overnite Bag $17.50 Sampsonlte Pullman Bag S28.80 (tax included on all the above items). These are all genuine leather or Sampsonite composition bags MONTGOMERY "WARD (basem*nt) VANITY FAIR ENRICHED FLOUR; We now have in stock, with the same good quality and you have enjoyed In the past. That rood nity Fair Enriched Flour. MARTIN FEED IMPLEMENT $60 Penna.

Hagerstown. Md.e FARMS PLEASANT WALK miles 'rom Myersvllle, 36 acres, 30 till- able. Small house, new barn Reasonable. ITERSVILLt-BOONSBORO RD. 32 miles from Hagerstown.

42 acres. Part stone. 6 room house All necessary outbuildings. Al stock and equipment included i sold by April 1st. CHEWSVILLE-TVEITE RSBURG RD --52.

acres. All tillable. 7 roon house. Bank barn, chicken houses. Stock and equip car- be purchased.

GAYLORD-BROOKS CO. "Realtors" 74 W. WashTiigtoii SL Phone 442 LARGE FARM, close to town, larg stone house, good barn and out running water. R. L.

Cook phone 1970-W. ACRE FARM in Welsh Run Section: good state of cultivation cattle barn and other outbuildings 7 room brick dwelling; all build Ings wired for electricity whicl will be installed by April 1st Cow barn with stanchions for 36 cows Well and running stream. Imme diate Possession. Owner will leav half purchase price in property. HUTSON-HETZER AGENCY S.

H. Staubs. Assoc, '7 Summit Aye, Phone 1298 tor Sale A COUNTRY Home, 9 miles out. 1 room frame dwelling out build inps. 3 acres farming land mountain land, all for $3001 Th; A.

T- 7-filnrt. There's a man tn classification 1 whoT fix that roof leak. tor Sale BEAUTIFUL 7 room frame and brick. Pre-War built, lO'O ft. front- age on desirable corner in Foun- tain Head.

Very Modern. Lavatory 1st floor, hot water circulating heat, stoker, laundry, playroom, garage attached. Immed. Poss. Priced to sell- ROOM frame in good condi- tion, hardwood floors, air cond.

heat, stoker fired, suitable for du- plex. Reynolds Ave. $11.000 STORY brick apartment house centrally located in excellent con- dition. Poss. 1st floor April 1st.

Priced to sell. room brick, electric, water in kitchen, furnace, all in excellent condition. Large stable, chicken house, other oldgs. Poss. May 1st $5750 9 room" brick, furnace, electric, cistern and spring, garage, Immed.

Poss $6300 CARROLL BAECHTSL 2nd Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 1201 The Daily Mail, Hagerctm Ml, Wednesday, 26,1547 ELEVEN for Sale BEAUTIFUL corner lot. Fountain Head Hghts. 100x186. -Apply 1207 Potomac Ave.

DESIRABLE Lots in good locations. CARROLL BAECHTEL 2nd Naf 1 Bank Bldg. Ph. 1201 KUHN building lots. Apply Albert L.

Poffeaberser. Koa Extd. LOT FOR SALE--MaugansviUe Rd. 60x140. Water, lights and sewers.

Apply 429 McDowell Ave. TWO tracts of land, edge of Smiths- burg. One fronting on W. Water St. Extd.

Approximately 5 acres. Benjamin P. Snyder. P. O.

Box 63. Smithsburg. Md, Sale OP THE HOUSEHOLD GOODS of the late Ida M. Geist AT 429 MCDOWELL AYS. SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1947 AT 1 O'CLOCK WARD--Auct.

ROSS GEIST. Soburbap Country for Sale RICK 10 rooms, steam heat, oil burner, hardwood floors, garage. Very desirable for large family or to convert into 2 or 3 apartments. Good locatiojp, well constructed, large porch. Possession in two weeks.

VERY LARGE brick suitable for 3 apartments. South End. Steam heat, two baths, immediate posses- sion. Both properties are cheap at pres- ent day building costs. GUY L.

DOUB JOHN L. SWAIN AGENCY 20 Summit Ave. Phone 2089-J COUNTRY HOMS--Owned by D. G. Rowe on road from San Mar to Mt.

Lena. 1 acre, variety of fruit and garden, 5 rm. fr. well, chicken and hog houses. 400.

Immed. poss. 26 N. Potomac St. N.

B. ROWE. DUPLEX--East Avenue. $14.500. Duplex.

Virginia one apart- ment vacant in 30 days, $18,000. G. R. SANNER. FINE HOMES REASONABLY PRICED FOUNTAIN HEAD--7 2 baths, oil heat.

Immediate possession. $15.000.00 HAMILTON rooms semi- detached brick. Excellent location. Good condition $9500,0 FOUNTAIN HEAD--5 rm. 2 story brick, automatic htiat, double, ga- rage.

Price reduced for quick sale with immediate possession. OAK HILL leaving city, has reduced price on S- room beautifully" located brick home. HALFWAY--Modern 6 rm. frame covered with asbestos shingles. A comfortable home.

List your with us. Proven ability and sincere effort will justify your confidence. Call Mr. Lindsey or Mr. Seibert BREWER AND LINDSEY Second Nat'l Bank Bldg.

Ph, 2481 COUNTRY HOME at City Limits. rooms, electric. Garage, stable. 2 chicken houses, 4 acres. $3750.

Terms. Immediate possession. GROH REALTY 40 Summit Av LARGE MODERN CLUB HOUSE SATURDAY, MARCH 29 along Potomac River. 12 rooms. 2 Limits, Route 40.

ftam hpat, 4 baths, oak floors, steam car garage. 6 acres. Immediate possession. Consider trade on town property. GROH REALTY 40 Summit Av Wanted--Real Estate WANTED TO BUY--5 or 6 room house in city or within three mile radius.

Urgently needed by middle aged couple. W. E. Irvin. Phone 2458-J.

Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS-- Estate of KATHERINE R. HARSH deceased. Notice is hereby given. That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Washington Coun- tv, Letters Testamentary on the es- tate of Katherine R. Harsh, lata of said County, deceased.

All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to file the same in said Court, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, on or before the 18th day of October, next; and no claim not filed within the period specified shall thereafter be asserted against the real estate of said deceased in the hands of a purchaser for value. Given under my hand this 18th dav of March, A. 1947. NAOMI HARSH TAYLOR. Executrix.

cbrom iuin and porce- ain breakfast sets, two sets of booths, 20 tables. 150 chairs, IS stools, laundry sink, three-way cop- per sink, dishes, lights, metal wall cabinets, automatic hot water gas ieater, two wardrobes, electric combination National floor model cash register, three new sets of ransmission jacks and other ar- ticles. Sale time one o'clock. TERMS Cash. No goods removed intil settled for.


One of the best locations in the city for a Drug Store. Priced to SelL BROADWAY DUPLEX THE rent you collect pay for your modern home. Price. HAGERSTOWN REALTY CO. "Realtors" 12 W.

Franklin St. Phone 166 FOUNTAIN HEAD Beautiful 2- story red brack colonial family orna. lr living rm. with fire- place, modern kitchen. 4 Ige.

bed- recreation rm. in and garage. w. heat. Priced to sell.

BIG acre garden land. 4 rm. fr. dwl. new garage.

S3.250. Ready for occupancy. SALEM AVENUE--Attractive, new modern Cape Cot? home with 5 beautiful lot Poss. April 1. ir ELAND AVENUE-- Delight- ful attractive 6-room house, pre-war construction, hot water heat and garage.

Excellent value. Early possession. rAS STATION--Cor. location, do- ing nice business. $7,500.00.

N. B. ROWE. 26 N. Potomac St.

Classified Display Employment GO FAK EAST YOUNG MAN A number of the famous battle- tested divisions en duty in Japan and Korea are now accepting the en- listments of handpicked, keen young men for service in the Far East. Among these great. fighting divi- sions are such "noted units "as the, 1st Cavalry Division--The "Cavalry Troopers," nov in mechanized in Japan. First U. S.

unit to reach Man- ila and Tokyo. Fought one of the war's wildest battles taking Momote airstrip on Los Negros. Received Distinguished Unit Citations for ac- tion on Los Negros, Kwajalein and Leyte. 6th Infantry Red Star." now In Korea saw terri- fic action In New Guinea and Sansa- por. played a vital role in clearing the Japs from Luzon, Philippine Islands.

7th Infantry Division-- "Hourglass Division." now in Korea- First to recapture American terri- tory from Japs. Eight Distinguished Unit Citations for actionxon Attu. A 3-year enlistment for duty in the Orient will enable you to choose one of these famous divisions--and you can be a part of it. following FOR SALE--due to Illness. A very attractive retail business.

A real opportunity for man and wife. STROLE REALTY CO. 17 Summit Ave. FOR SALE--with possession to suit (25) one and two room cabins; furniture and fixtures: with large tract of timber land adjoining U. S.

Route 40. At a price of of the 1941 appraisal. STROLE REALTY CO. 17 Summit Ave. HAMILTON BLVD.

900 6 room brick, well built, hair double, hardwood floors, hot water heat, garage. Possession not later July 3. Phone 1420. Office 131 W. Wash- ington St.

S. W. Sowers. ton foU" IF YOU are looking for a home that will pay for itself and give you a living at the same time. 10 rooms.

2 baths. 3 concreted cellars, stoker fired hot water heat, in a residen- tial district. I have it. John F. Beard.

Phone 1SSB-W. INVESTIGATE our rent-like month- ly payment mortg. loan plan. First Fftderal Savings Loan Ass'n. 33 N.

Jonathan St Tel. 1001 INVESTMENTS TWO beautifully located apartment properties each containing 6 apart- mer.ts with excellent tenants. Priced far below replacement cost Owners have good reasons for sell- ing and either property can be liberally financed at reasonable rate of interest. BREWER AND LTNDSEY Second Nafl Bank Bldg. Ph.

2481 KUHN 6 room brick house with extra lot Possession April 1st Phone 4202 or 2325. NEW MODERN home. Bath and mod- ern kitchen. Inlaid linoleum. Imme- diate possession.

$8500. 522 Chest- nut St. OLD ESTABLISHED service station, good location. Apply Room 302. 2nd Nafl Bank Bldg.

John E. Tay- Jqr. REAL ESTATE, insurance, mort- gage loans and auto financing. JOHN F. BEARD.

Phone 19S5-W. initial training in the United States! Sports and re---eation are highly de- veloped in this area. A increase in pay for over- seas service, plus many additional advantages makes this a fine chance for a young man who wants to see post in the peacetime Armv. Get full details at the U. S.

Army Re- cruiting Station. 1st Floor. City Hall. Hagerstown, Md. MerchantHi Immediate Delivery GENERAL ELECTRIC CHIME CLOCKS.




Equipped for bottle gas, natural gas or artificial gas. SEPCO ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, 50 gal. SEPCO ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, 80 gal. SHOCKEY FURNITURE CO. 28-30 Summit Ave.

Phone 1203. OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT 218 WINTER ST. Friday, March 28,1947 AT 1 O'CLOCK Piano, radio, clocks, beds, dress- ers, rocking chairs, stove, dishes, studio couch, chests, some antiques, cash register, and many other arti- cles too numerous to mention. TERMS Charlotte Provard Renner. MODERN ANTIQITE FURNITURE CHINA GLASS.

Etc. SATURDAY. MARCH 29 Starting 12 O'clock Sharp In Hagerstown City Market House Basem*nt MODERN Several D. R. suites, L.

R. suites, (one S-piece overstuffed); maple studio couch, pair of maple beds, springs and Innerspring a tresses, Perfection table top oil stove, porcelain top breakfast -set Kalamasoo coal and gas range, electric iron, sweeper, washer, steri- lizer for doctors' instruments, ta- bles, chairs, kitchen cupboards, sinks cabinets, chifferobe, bureaus, chests of drawers, chests, over 200 pieces of china and glass and kitch- en utensils. Many articles top numerous to mention. ANTIQUES. Walnut corner cupboard (renmsh- ed).

Victorian sofa (hand carved), Victorian lounge" (refinished), pair Duncan Phvfe style arm chairs (in the rough), gold leaf several chests, chests of drawers. 2 Victorian marble top bureaus, dough tray, high back sink, wash- stands, nite tables, four and six leg drop-leaf tables. Over 100 pieces of old'glass and china. Eight different lots to sell. MANAGER, UNGER.

Clerk. Paulsgrove- Auctioneer. StuJL ROTZ BABY CHICK3 Live. and Pay Nine standard breeds. Sexed pul- lets and co*ckerels.

Special on and "heavy- co*ck- erela. All culled" and bio- anrt Price Lilt RAYMOND S. ROT7 Poultry Farm Hatchery- Box 3P. Fort Pa. Phone St.

IS7RJJ Employment W. WASHINGTON rooms and bath. 40 2SO lot. In very good condition. Price has just been re- duced.

SHARPSBURG--Garage and small store, 2 gas pumps, grease pit and necessary equipment. Greatly re- duced. Immediate possession. GAYLORD-BROOKS CO. "Realtors" W.

Washington St. Ph. 4423 6 ROOM Brick house in West End, $3000. Will finance. R.

L. Cook. Hags't Trust Co. Bldg. Phone 1970-W.

6 ROOM HOUSE. 17 acres, 3 cleared, balance timber. 8 miles from town along Dual Highway, next to Stot- tlemyer's Garage. Double garage. 2 chicken houses, corn crib, hog yard.

Well and cistern. Electric and variety of fruit and berries. Some frontage on Dual Highway, Apply same. H. C.


Bedroom suite stoves, practically new. household furniture of all kinds. If you have anything to sell, call 1569-W. CALVIN BOWERS Auct URGENTLY Apply in person. Monday thru Friday 8 a.

m. to 4:30 p.m. DO NOT WRITE Shipbuilding Division Employment Office 815 Key Highway Baltimore, Md. Public Sale Public Sale 6 ROOMHouse. Chestnut Grove Dis- trict.

acre of ground. 4 out- buildings, well, 'electric. On hard Write Box 92 H-M. 10 ROOM Colonial North End. Arranged for one or two families.

Finished third floor. Of very best construction material. Hard- wood floors. 2M; baths. Priced rea- sonably.

Would cost more to build. "Write Box 104. Herald- Mail. 605 WASHINGTON room house. All modern conveniences.

Hot water heat. Wm. E. Moore. Agent, 6.1S Washington St.

Lota -or: Sale LOTS WEST END Summer St. Approx. 324'xlOS', Ideal for commercial. Very cheap. POINT SALEM DRIVE--On hard rd.

Approx. 1 acre lots S500.00 each. HALFWAY--50x450. Priced reason- able. WEST END--Oxford' Circle.

50x150 Only $700.00. GAYLOJID-BROOKS ft CO. "Realtors" 74 W. Washington St. Ph.

4423. Having sold my farm I will sell at Public Sale at my resident ted mile North of Smithsburg on Smithsburg-Rmggold road. SALE AT 12:00 NOON FARMING IMPLEMENTS-- 1 Deering (tractor liitch). horse Columbian wagon and bed. 1 farm spring agon, drill, 1 McCormick mower, 1 Biack corn planter 1 cart.

1 grain cleaner, 1 corn cracker. 2 Oliver er hogshead, butcher bench table, tools, 2 cross cut saws, 1 straw knife. Hay by the ton-- Straw by the ton. HOUSEHOLD GOODS-- Hand sweeper, 1 cain seat chairs, wash stand. Dewing machine, chairs, library table, couch, side board, 6 el range, chunk stove, 2 extension tables lamps, throw rugs, 9x12 Congoleum rut.

9x12 TVS, jars, dishes, iron skillets, berry crates. 2 benches. 1 vise, 1 axe. (walhut), dough tray. Other too to TERMS; CASH.

No goods to be removed until settled for. PAULINE STEVENSON FRANK KRETSINGER--Auctioneer. HOOVER.

The Daily Mail from Hagerstown, Maryland (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.