- Topic: Grasshopper 0.8.0064 available for download
- ease contains some very new code so if the current version is working for you and you're on a right dead-line, you might elect to not upgrade just quite yet. There's a number of reported bugs which I'll try and fix within the next few days so there should be a further release coming soon.Changed since 0.8.0063:● Sliders can now be instantiated with limits using a "min<value<max" notation. ● Text panels now have less contrasting title blocks. ● Text panels now have left, top and right margins accessible at high zoom levels. ● Text panels now have buttons that appear at high zoom levels for several properties. ● Text Tag 2D component now has a colour input. ● Text Tag 3D component now has a colour input. ● Added Extremes component for finding minima and maxima amongst variable collections (Math.Util dropdown). ● Added Entwine component for flattening and merging a variable collection of data streams (Sets.Tree dropdown). ● Added Find Domain component useful for categorizing numbers (Math.Domain). ● Added Vector Display Ex component which offers more control over display (Vector.Vector panel). ● Added Key/Value Search component for matching generic data with key values (Sets.Sets dropdown). ● Added Characters component for extracting individual characters from a string (Sets.String dropdown). ● Added Consecutive Domains component for converting lists of numbers into domain blocks (Math.Domain dropdown). ● Added Font settings to the preferences window (at the moment Script and Console fonts are rarely used). ● IsoVist components now accept lines, curves, planes, boxes, surfaces, breps and meshes as obstacles. ● IsoVist components now output an obstacle index rather than a hit/miss boolean. ● Added 'Overlay Graphics' section to the Preferences (Interface section). ● VB and C# script components now cache compiled assemblies. ● VB and C# assembly references window has been redesigned (more to come). ● VB and C# missing references are now handled more gracefully. ○ Tuned up 3D Voronoi slicing algorithm, probably still bugs left. ○ Number Slider would only deserialize three decimal places, this is fixed. ○ The tooltip would sometimes be shown behind other windows, this is hopefully fixed.Especially the changes to the VB/C# script references may prove to be buggy. Please be on the lookout.--David Ruttendavid@mcneel.comPoprad, Slovakia…
- Added by David Rutten at 5:58am on January 12, 2012
- Topic: Using Kangaroo to Simulate Vacuum Formed Panels
- al simulation to test out larger systems and different variations without having to do as much physical mock-ups to speed up the process.I've been using grasshopper and kangaroo to simulate the effect of vacuum forming the panels using the anchor spring component. I have a series of lines that are drawn over my mesh that I subdivide and plug into the anchor spring component before attaching to the kangaroo physics engine. So this has worked so long as the lines that I use are perpendicular to the mesh and the subdivided points along that line sit directly on top of the mesh points. Here's the definition that I've been using so far, the rhino file and an animation.VacuumPanelDef_v4.3dmVacuumDefinition.ghhttp://philipbussey.tumblr.com/post/32096709407/kangaroo-simulationMy system seems to be working out pretty well with orthogonal wires, but the issue I've been having is I'd like to approximate an angled wire with the deformed mesh. I've been trying to use the collide surface component, but I get some odd results with the resultant mesh.Anyone have any thoughts on this? I've been trying to look through the kangaroo documentation and the grasshopper forum, but I haven't quite figured out how to make it work yet.Thanks!The end goal we're looking at is creating a wall system that can have a shift in geometry throughout the series of panels while still using the same mold.…
- Added by Philip Bussey at 8:42pm on October 2, 2012
- Topic: Facades+ Interactive Surfaces Workshop
- and workshops which are being taught by some of the industries leaders including:Robert Aish(Autodesk),Nathan Miller(Case),Skylar Tibbits(MIT + Ted Fellow),Neil Meredith(Gehry Tech), andJohn Sargent(SOM).TheInteractive Surfacesworkshop will concentrate on producing facade prototypes that are configurable, sensate, and active. Thefacadeof a building is the liminal surface across which information and environmental performance is frequently negotiated. Given dynamic context of our built environment; the facade must be capable of intelligent adaptation over time.In this workshop, we'll be focusing on new hardware and software prototyping techniques; primarily focusing on a wide range of sensing and actuation modalities in order to build novel interactive devices. Using remote sensors, microcontrollers (Arduino), and actuators, we will build virtual and physical prototypes that can communicate with humans and the world around them. Using bothGrasshopperand theFireflyplug-in, you will learn how to create intelligent control strategies for interactive or responsive facades.Click here to sign up!The participants who sign up for this workshop will also be the first to get their hands on the new Firefly Interactive Prototyping Sheild which I have been developing. This shield provides access to a number of built-in, ready-to-use sensors and actuators including: 3 linear sliders (potentiometers), a light sensor, a two-axis joystick, 3 push buttons, a red LED, a yellow LED, a Green LED, and a Tri-color LED, 2 servo connections, and a high-voltage MOSFET circuit capable of driving lights, valves, DC motors, etc. Each participant will not only walk away with a kick ass new hardware kit, but valuable knowledge in how to create new types of interactive prototypes!…
- Added by Andy Payne to Firefly at 10:12am on March 14, 2013
- Topic: point3d simply question
- RhinoCommon(in RhinoCommon.dll) Version: 5.1.30000.5 (5.0.20693.0)SyntaxC#public double Z { get; set; }then it could be possible to set new z to any point .however if I tryprivate void RunScript(Line exampleLine, double z, ref object A) { exampleLine.PointAt(0).Z = exampleLine.PointAt(0).Z + z; A = exampleLine; }the answer is " cannot modify the value because is not a var"what Im missing?what's wrong?…
- Added by pepe ballesteros at 3:19am on June 7, 2013
- Topic:
- ts IronPython.Runtime Imports IronPython Imports Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting Imports Microsoft.Scripting Imports System.IO Imports System.ReflectionPublic Class Form1Private Sub Form_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LoadEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Click() Handles Me.ClickDim engine As Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine() Dim fooPath = Path.GetFullPath("foo.dll") Dim fooAms = Assembly.LoadFile(fooPath)engine.Runtime.LoadAssembly(fooAms)Dim obj As Object = engine.ImportModule("foo")MsgBox(foo.foo)End SubEnd ClassAs you can see, it is a simple windows form, which clicked should load the foo.dll, and then display a msgbox with "Foo" (the foo function in the foo.dll assembly returns "foo" string). When I run the program, it crashes at the bold line with error :An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in mscorlib.dllAdditional information: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Any ideas how to solve this problem (looking at you python ppl) ?EDIT : The fooPath is ok, and it properly shows the fooAms' version and other properties.…
- Added by Mateusz Zwierzycki at 3:32am on August 6, 2015
- Topic: External Axis components (Beta)
- ave bugs and your set-up may differ from what we tested. If you find any, please note bugs in the comments so we can fix them, thanks... GregThe implementation is pretty logical, and open enough that you can use GH to easily link the robot toolpath and rail/table control for 1,2 and 3 axis linear rails and 1, 2 and 2x1, 1+2x1 etc. rotary tables. The 'Create External Axis' component is included so you can add you own geometry, or create other configurations.Linear Rail:Plug External Axis into P on the robot.The basic idea is that you instruct the rail to move the robot base plane either independently or relative to the toolpath. The later is preferable, so when you modify the toolpath the robot base position remains linked. For smooth toolpaths this works well, if you have a lot of back and forth movements, the whole robot will do that too, in which case a direct approach may suit you better, or some bracketing (we'll generate some examples for that soon).Note: To keep the Linear Rail static while it is working on the Rotary Table, you can input a list of duplicate values to the Rail Axis input.Rotary Table: Plug External Axis into E on the robot.Control this through a list of angles in radians. The list of length values for the Linear Rail or the list of angles for the Rotary Table must be the same length as the number of Planes in the Path - as each value goes onto the same line of robot code.There are two basic examples in the attached file:Still to do:- Integration with the IO Milling plugin.- API calls.- Tutorials for Create External Axis component.For any questions, feature requests, bugs and example file requests - add your comments below... Please share you examples as well.…
- Added by Gregory Epps to IO at 12:55pm on August 12, 2015
- Topic: Help for my project - To create blades of wood and to move them in space
- ich is the following :"in a box", i would like to create structure made by wooden blades that follow floor, wall and ceiling, but moving from this support due to "curves" which are the most important variables.Here is my "logic". You will find enclosed to this post my files as well.In bold what i'm unable to do by myself (i guess) :Take the square of 25 m x 12 m ; make it a surfaceI divide it in "blades" of 20 cmI take the edges of the "blades"I divide this edges in 40 points (or equivalent) (A)I identify my curves (curves) which are on the floorsI identify the crosspoint between my edge-blade and the curves (B)I have to test the difference between X Y Z of each A and B.I have to test which B point is the closest of each AEach A points which is close to B (Distance < 40 cm) must be on the floorI have to input a math formula in order to représent the movement of A points regarding their distance to B (example : A1 Z = Distance between A1 and B / 2)If there are 2+ B, that mean that i have "to do something" to get a correct movement. I mean2 consecutives points must be on the same "plan"2 height difference between each point must be 0 or a dedicated valueRegarding Ceiling, it is a duplication of the floor but there is coef to apply with Z distance.2 parallele points on a define axis, example : X, and consecutive can't have more than 20cm of differenceWhen all points have moves regarding "parameters" and "curves"; i have to do curve linking all the point of a same "line".After that i duplicate this curve to a upper curve.LoftExtrude surface and then, it's done ?To be clear, i miss the part where i need to make my points move regarding variables...I'm sorry, RHI Grasshopper projet.3dm does not represent the "need" to have to consecutive point on the same plan…
- Added by Ber Roux at 9:19am on August 22, 2016
- Topic: Window Designer Parametric 2D Shop Drawings Composer
- y having to make custom size windows, and instead of having to re-draw them each and every time, I thought I would utilize the power of Grasshopper to create all the scalable line work and dimensioning, so that now all I have to do is type the dimensions in a neat and tidy Human UI window, hit 'BAKE!!!', and poof!The GUI has the ability to parameterize width, height, depth, stile width, top rail thickness, bottom rail thickness, glass stop size, glass stop reveals on both the interior and exterior sides. This definition also has the ability to change the glass stop profile curve. In it's current state, the curve's preview is turned off, but one could turn it on, bake it, alter it, or create a whole new curve and set the curve that way.Most of you seasoned Grasshoppers will probably look at my definition, and think to yourselves, "what a tangled mess!", and you know what? It probably could be rewritten a whole lot cleaner and more efficient. But as it stands now, it works pretty good. The only issue that I'm still trying to figure out, is that when I hit the 'BAKE!!!' button, it bakes the curves 10 times, and the dimensions 6 times. I know it has to do with the way the data is brought into HumanUI, but I can't figure it out. The easy temporary fix is to just bake all the iterations, and then once back in Rhino, select all duplicates, and delete.Once the window has been baked into Rhino, the only thing I have to draw in is the rectangles in the vertical and horizontal section views, as that is really simple to do and we vary glass thicknesses and offsets a ton, I feel it's just easier to finalize in Rhino.Then, it's just a matter of opening up a new layout, add my title block, add a 1-detail view, and my annotations, and it's complete. Takes me all of five minutes to do a job that used to take me 30 minutes to an hour!Requisites:-Fab Tools GH plug-in (for the Advanced Bake component)-Human UI GH plug-in (for the GUI)Disclaimer: I am a complete Grasshopper noob. If this definition can be improved/expanded/made better in any way, please feel free to contribute. I look forward to any and all feedback and constructive criticism! Thank you!…
- Added by Ryan Greever at 7:08am on November 21, 2016
- Topic: Error in Excel Import VB
- o 5 beta version today and kangaroo to a new beta version. Somewhere in there the VB script stopped working, with the following error:error: Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401E3 (MK_E_UNAVAILABLE)) (line:0)Any ideas?VB Script is as follows:Dim xlApp As Object Dim CellValues As New List(Of Object) Dim CellColorsInt As New List(Of Integer) Dim CellColorsOnColor As New List(Of OnColor) Dim i As Int32 Dim RowRange As Int32 RowRange = (ERow - SRow) 'Grab a running instance of Excel xlApp = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application") 'Some error checking...in case Excel isn't running If IsNothing(xlApp) Then Exit Sub 'In order to access the data into Excel you have to navigate through 'its object heirarchy. Getting the Application is just the first step. 'After that you need to achieve a workbook (typically the active one, or you 'could open one if you knew which one you needed...watch out with that though). 'Once you have the workbook, you will need to retrieve a sheet so that you can begin 'to read or write data to it. 'getting the workbook is best done through getting ActiveWorkbook method Dim wb As Object = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook If IsNothing(wb) Then Exit Sub 'Getting the sheet is best done through the ActiveSheet method Dim sheet As Object = wb.ActiveSheet If IsNothing(sheet) Then Exit Sub For i = 0 To RowRange CellValues.Add(sheet.Cells(SRow + i, Column).Value) 'CellColors.Add(xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(SRow + i, Column).Interior.Color) 'Print("colR = {0}", colR(i * ColumnRange + j)) 'If you want to get the colors, that's fine, but they will get kicked 'back as an integer, which isn't very useful within GH. 'This is how you were getting them before...the integer list CellColorsInt.Add(sheet.Cells(SRow + i, Column).Interior.color) 'This is how to translate those to an OnColor... 'get the integer version of the color first. Dim intCellColor As Integer intCellColor = sheet.Cells(SRow + i, Column).Interior.color CellColorsInt.Add(intCellColor) 'Use the Color translator to get a system.drawing color, which 'can be used within the OnColor constructor Dim OnColorCellColor As New OnColor(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromWin32(intCellColor)) CellColorsOnColor.Add(OnColorCellColor) Next val = CellValues col = CellColorsOnColor colInt = CellColorsInt End Sub…
- Added by Marc Syp at 1:42pm on March 22, 2011
- Group: KingKong
- ractor systems. Download the software, manual and example files from: www.food4rhino.com/project/robofoldkingkongManufacture: The results of design usingthe KingKong facade tool are produced by RoboFold. The data generated will drive our robotics software, enabling manufactureusingtheRoboFold technology.Installation: When you need it, we generate the necessary detailing and layout data for mounting to a wall, wooden panelling system or subframe.Engineering: You are responsible for the engineering.What shapes can I fold in KingKong?The easiest way to check this is to test your ideas using paper or card. Scan in you fold pattern to get the curved fold lines and edge lines, and let KingKong fold it.What shapes can RoboFold manufacture?Most shapes you can fold in paper by hand, we can fold in metal with robots. If you want to build a facade, or anything else, feel free to contact us and we can determine whether the fold type is feasible. Join one of our workshops to learn through making your own facade designs.Pre-requisites:KingKong makes use of components from the Kangaroo Physics plugin by Daniel Piker. Please download and install this before you opentheexample files.Planned features:Rotation controlled by flow-line attractor.Clash detection.More info and workshop dates:The technology:www.robofold.comWorkshop dates: http://www.robofold.com/index.php?WEBYEP_DI=18Design techniques with curved folding:www.curvedfolding.comDownload the software, manual and example files from: www.food4rhino.com/project/robofoldkingkongExample output:…
- Added by Gregory Epps at 10:33am on February 15, 2013
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spin force cells
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Attractor Diamonds
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Diagonal Panels
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Knot Building
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spin force cells
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Attractor Diamonds
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Diagonal Panels
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Knot Building
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